Hello everyone. In light of what has happened in the past week - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone. In light of what has happened in the past week with the death of Robin Williams and also finding out this morning that 7 Australians die every day from depression, i thought i would put this out there to all my friends and family, in the hope that this might be of help to someone, even if only a little. I suffer from DEPRESSION and have for sometime. i didnt realise anything was wrong with me until a few reckless decisions i made didnt turn out the way i expected(i didnt think they were reckless at the time) and i was forced to realise that something wasnt right with me. i have been seeing a psychologist and have been on medication for 6 months now and it does help. there are still dark times but the better times are far outnumbering them. thinking about the good things in my life and also thinking positive thoughts helps erase the shitful feelings. The hardest thing was admitting that there was something wrong (most of you know that i think im perfect). owning up to the feelings of guilt, hopelessness, thinking life had no meaning and worst of all... the feeling of thinking that you are totally alone, thinking that you are the only one going through this and that no-one would understand, plus a whole host of other shit thoughts running through my head. you think no-one will understand what you are going through..... well let me tell you, there are people who will understand and make you realise, you are not alone... they are your friends and family, they will stand by you and help you through this bastard of a disease. i know! the odds are you know someone with this disease. this is aimed mostly at my sporting friends(but also includes the gals) who have grown up in the sporting culture where showing or talking about how we felt was a sign of weakness, for the first 4 months of seeing the psychologist, i still felt that way... i dont now. i was talking to a very good mate at the pub about what i had been going through, and he said i thought something was wrong, but we dont talk about those things, so i didnt say anything..... that has to change. if you think something is not right with a mate, ask them about it....... 7 Australians a day die from DEPRESSION. i think its time to cut that number down... help a mate! most importantly, if you are suffering from depression or any anxiety... there is help...... and you are not alone!!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 04:01:09 +0000

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