Hello my musical genius friends! Hope you are having fantastic - TopicsExpress


Hello my musical genius friends! Hope you are having fantastic daily lives writing, arranging and performing orchestral masterpieces. Im writing a short suite for the Carolina Youth Symphony, an excellent local high-school orchestra. The conductor wanted this piece to be difficult and challenging enough to have educational value for all instruments, but still be easy enough for high-schoolers. I wrote something accessible and tonal, with hints of JW-style film scoring, but also very colorful and musically interesting, as a concert piece should be. All three movements will develop the same themes and turn the motives into melodies later, so if you feel that this movement isnt developed enough; rest easy - the later movements will clear things up left unsaid. I tried to change the texture throughout to maintain interest, yet smoothly transition and use thematic material and motives in a way that ties it all together. Harmonically I pretty much borrowed from every mode every few bars, and change keys frequently to sound modern enough without being the least bit atonal or ugly. I tried to give the winds and brass a chance to have fun parts and solos, and not rely on strings so heavily as most young orchestrators tend to do. I tried to also write good bass-lines, especially since the tubaist in this orchestra I know personally and is fantastic. That was my primary goal of this piece - to give EVERY instrument of the orchestra at least one part to dig into and enjoy. The second movement will be slower and impressionistic, gaining movement and color towards the end in a wash of sound like Ravels Daphnis et Chloe. The last movement will be a slow, majestic march starting quiet and mysteriously, but gradually growing into a huge, MASSIVE FFF finale that will hopefully give the audience something to applause to, like Pines of the Appian Way. Let me know what you think, and if the orchestration can be improved in any way. https://dropbox/sh/aw723h839xfmxqa/AAAj7vWPzCVva44T663_Ak3qa
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 02:40:59 +0000

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