Hello to all of you dear friends! So, it is now November and - TopicsExpress


Hello to all of you dear friends! So, it is now November and almost 8 months since I last held my boys. I will tell you honestly that the grief has not lessened, and I welcome it. It means that I loved them with all of my heart and that we will never quit moving forward in our quest to support all of those animals who linger in pain, confusion, and suffering while waiting for an end. To say that Buck and Bill were tortured is too gentle a word, I cannot even tell you what 457 DAYS OF ILLEGAL INCARCERATION did to them...and to me. I cannot imagine how terrified those dogs must be that have absolutely no one to relieve them of the type of horrific abuse that was inflicted upon my beautiful boys. Remember...they were not even allowed to go outside to relieve themselves unless I made the 300 mile round-trip drive every week to give them a break from their kennel...you will see this kennel at the end of the video. It took a motion filed in court to get it cleaned up and get the boys the medical care they needed. You would have to go back and read through all of the posts from Christmas Eve of 2012 through March 27, 2014, (the day they were murdered) in order to understand the complete and total insanity that we went through. So here I will I just give you a few highlights. After the initial Administrative Hearing (which was so obviously rigged and manipulated for the County to win, i.e. - to have the right to kill Buck and Bill), I needed legal representation in order to appeal the decision. After interviewing nearly every attorney that would return a call in two counties, I could find no one to represent me. I was in a complete state of panic until I got a phone call out of the blue...I thought we were saved. An attorney, Colleen Glenn, called me and stated that she would represent Buck and Bill. I was elated...especially when I learned that the Friends of Manatee County Animal Services had put up the first $500.00 toward retaining Colleen and The Lexus Project in order to free the boys!!! Okay, so now we now the rest of the story...and I will share it with you. The Friends (as I was told they were called) are none other than the Animal Network, and Colleen was sent to us directly (as she told me) by none other than Carol Whitmore, the County Commissioner. I spoke to Lauri Crawford (who is a member of both the Animal Network and on the Animal Advisory Board for Manatee County) many times, thinking that she was our friend. I pleaded with Carol Whitmore, literally on my knees begging for mercy for the lives of Buck and Bill. You remember that Colleen was the first attorney that nearly got the boys killed with her mistakes and misfilings on their behalf. Had I known then what I know now, I would have stolen the boys and run for the hills. I really did believe that justice would prevail, but apparently it does not exist in Manatee County. I want all of you to remember also that I posted back in February and March of last year all of the lies that Manatee County supported against the boys, and I posted photos of the exact testimony from the Administrative Hearing that showed that the County statements were untruths. The examples involved the Curtis boy having to be bay-lifted to All Childrens Hospital and needing reconstructive surgery. Neither of these statements were true...his parents voluntarily drove him in their van to All Childrens (where he waited in to see a doctor for hours), and no doctor ever even mentioned reconstructive surgery. This was something the Deputy County Attorney, Jim Minix, made up in order to justify the severity of the case. There were numerous other untruths and unjust actions...like breaking into my house without a search warrant and dragging the boys off while I was on the phone with the sheriffs dispatch...but we can review those later. Carol Whitmore was presented with all of this knowledge on several occasions and from numerous sources. She chose to uphold the lies of the County rather than to admit to the truth. She was one of the ones who laughed at the boys suffering in the ridiculous and insulting county commission YouTube video that was made. It is posted on our timeline as well, November 19, 2013. You must understand that it wasnt even the real BOCC meeting. If you look at the agenda of the actual meeting that took place that evening, Buck and Bill are nowhere on it. This video was nothing but propaganda...brutal and senseless...and Carol wonders why she had threats from that point onward. After the head of Animal Services, Kris Weiskopf, was removed in September, I ran into Carol after the press conference at a public location where she happened to be holding a campaign function. She apologized profusely for what happened to Buck and Bill, saying that she had a dog too. She told me to call her assistant and have some time specifically cleared on her calendar in order to meet with me. I called, and never did I receive a return call to schedule that meeting. I new it would never happen. False apologies and false promises...just as I suspected, even though I quietly took the heat from so many people about meeting with the commissioner. At least I was relieved to learn just a few days ago that Ron Koper, the Director of Public Safety, was fired. I hope all of you remember that it was Ron who took my cell phone away at the last minute when I was told there may be a pardon from Rick Scott, our Governor, and he stated that if my veterinarian did not immediately kill the boys that he would do it himself. This was before 7 PM. Buck and Bill legally had until midnight to live. Oh yes, I forgot, Ron had to kill them in order to rush off to his award ceremony where he received an ACE award from the County for handling the dog situation (this per the directors notes from that ceremony, public record). ACE equals Accountability, Civility, and Ethics...right? Are you ready yet to vomit??? I havent stopped feeling the need to so for nearly two years now. You must understand that there are some people in Manatee County government who just cannot look into the light of truth...admit a wrong...and attempt to right it. It was this group of individuals who murdered Buck and Bill. For those of you who have yet to vote in Manatee County, ask yourselves if you and your dogs can live with these people still in office. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE PAYING THEIR SALARIES. IF YOU CONTINUE TO DO SO BY ALLOWING THEM TO SERVE THE PUBLIC, WE WILL BE MAKING VIDEOS LIKE THE ONE BELOW UNTIL WE GO TO THE GRAVE...AND MEET OUR DOGS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BRIDGE. BLESS BRETT FOR MAKING THIS VIDEO, BUT I WANT TO SEE HIS TALENT USED TO MADE VIDEOS THAT CELEBRATE LIFE. I THINK THAT GOD WOULD LIKE THAT TOO... We love you all, remember that while you vote on Tuesday! Buck, Bill, Jack, Lucky, and Karen
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 21:44:15 +0000

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