Help from the Hills Sermon By Alphonso Thomas Sr. Psalms 121:1 I - TopicsExpress


Help from the Hills Sermon By Alphonso Thomas Sr. Psalms 121:1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. 3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. 4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. 5 The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. 6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. 7 The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. Today I want to deal with 5 hills where the people of God received help from the Lord. I tell you if you look at theses hills today you will get some help. I believe this week we received help as we study various mountain top experiences for VBS. I tell you Church the first hill is the hill where Moses received the Law and this called Mount Sinai. We found that the Law can’t make you love the Lord but Love is the fulfilling of the Law. We are at this hill because Israel needed a school master to help guide them so God help them with the Law because Paul said I would not have known sin if the Law did not say thou shall not kill. We need structure, rules and guidelines to tell us right from wrong and all humanity got help on this hill called Mount Sinai. You see Israel got deliverance but deliverance is not salvation. The Law had no provisions for salvation of the sinner only that act if you did sin you would be punished for your sin. The Ten Commandments are known throughout the World as morally sound doctrine and most nations have adapted all or part of the Ten Commandment as governing principles. Because the Law was able to identify and shine light own sin but it is not a remedy for sin. The law showed us who we are and we find out through the law that we are rebellious, disobedient and stiff necked. You know identifying the problem is the first step in solving the problem but it still is not the solution. In Galatians 3:21 Paul asks the next logical question, “Is the Law therefore against the promises of God?” He then answers his own question by saying, “God forbid.” The Law and the promises are not in conflict. Each has its distinct function and both were given by God. The Law condemns and the promise (Jesus Christ) delivers from condemnation. If (and it couldn’t) the Law could have provided righteousness, Jesus Christ would not have had to die on the Cross. The Law was given by Moses but the solution grace and truth was given by Jesus Christ. Church I got another Hill we must climb and this hill is called Mount Carmel. It is on this hill we must all climb and deal with the reality of false religion. Because the enemies of the cross, you will have to stand with God, for God and on God. Remember that the Prophet Elijah and his God confronted the Prophets of Baal and the Prophets of Groves a total of 850 of them and Elijah and God. I tell you, I do not care how many are against you but you are the majority if God is for you. This hill is the Hill of apostasy, idolatry and false worship. Israel had turned their backs on God by worshipping idols and God sent Elijah and said enough is enough let’s straighten this out right now. I tell you God in the fullness of time will deal with sin and set the record straight. United States understand God is not late or sleep but He will show himself in due time. When it is time for God to do what he said he would do. God will show you that there is no power in idols like your youth, wealth and worldly position – the Bible says these idols they have eyes but they see not and ears but they here not they are the work men hands. The people have to move them but we serve a God that can and will move us. The Prophet Elijah set up a show down on Mount Carmel and they declared that the God that ANSWERS WITH fire and tell us who is the real God. It then that Elijah mocked and talked about the Baal and Ashtoreth – he said they may be a sleep. He said they may be on a journey. The only reason Elijah said this is Elijah had a God if he ask it was given; if he knocked God open doors and if he sought something it would be found. Hears you request but he does not listen to any demands. He does not heed our advice or input but He requires you obedience. Understand that God is the undefeated, undisputed Champion of the Universe and there has never even been a split decision and nobody has made it out of the first round with him. Everything and every body’s arms are just too short to box with God. I tell you church this is not Elijah’s fight but the battle is the Lord’s. I am talking to somebody right here you do not have to fight any more but now you have the luxury to stand still and enjoy the salvation of the Lord. We have talked about Moses and Elijah now both of them shows up on this next hill. They show up with one that they are not worthy to lose His sandals. Church the third hill we find help in today is the Mount of Transfiguration Jesus takes his inner circle up on this hill to Pray and he is changed right in front of them. His continence is changed and to a bright light and then the same two we saw on the others hills are there Moses to represent the Law of God AND Elijah to represent prophets. Jesus is giving them a preview of a coming attraction. Jesus as He often did go up on this mountain to pray with Peter James and John who are known as his inner circle. Jesus talks them up on this hill and show them who they are really are working with. In this third example of how our help is coming from the hills they wanted to build an alter for all three of them for Moses, Elijah and Jesus but Elijah and Moses disappeared and Jesus was left alone. This is to imply that we are not to worship those who themselves done to Christ. My Bible tells me that every knee must bow and every tongue must confess not Moses, not Elijah but Jesus Christ as Lord to the Glory of God. Jesus was ushering the new dispensation of Grace, Mercy and truth. Jesus had fulfilled the Law and the Prophets now he stands alone on this fourth Hill as the Author and Finisher of our Faith. So, Jesus then went on to another Hill called Golgotha. It is called in a place of the Skull; you may hear somebody called it Calvary. On this hill marked conclusion of Jesus earthly existence. Jesus had an appointment on this hill because He had a debt to pay for all mankind. He was on this hill because someone needs to put sin in remission. Jesus Church was on this hill because we need to replace medicine with healing. He was on this hill to be a living sacrifice to his father for the sins o humanity and the enemies of the cross showed up. Religion was present in the form High Priest; ignorance came in the voice of the people he was dying for saying crucify him. The Fourth Satanic if was present here on Calvary when they asked him if thou be the son of God come down and save yourself. They were so ignorant they thought Jesus was in trouble and we are the ones that are in trouble. Jesus had heaven’s angel at his beck and call. They thought on Calvary they were doing something to Jesus but they did not realize they were doing exactly what God had said would happen though the Prophets and Jesus told them nobody is taking my life but I lay it down; I got the power to lay it down and I got the Power to pick it back up again. Church they thought that this is not the last hill God is trying to help us with. But Church there is one more mountain found in Mathew the 28 chapter and verses 16 through 20. Jesus called a meeting on this hill because he wanted to help disciples through all ages. He called a meeting on this hill to make sure everybody understand what the mission of the Church truly is; this meeting was to let them know to go to all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. He told them and us to teach them all the things He had given to them. I tell you he did not end this with a command but Jesus ended this with a promise. He promises every person who works in his vineyard; every person that works in his name that he would e with them. I tell this means something because the Lord will keep his promises. God will do what he said he would He will stand by his Word. Jesus has all power in heaven and in earth he would not tell us to do something unless He himself has already given us the power or authority to do it.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 02:25:01 +0000

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