Henry and George Jacobsen Henry is in Red, George in Green, their - TopicsExpress


Henry and George Jacobsen Henry is in Red, George in Green, their favorite colors Henry - We wanted to start our story out with football. We are on the 2015 team, we are seniors at Coral Shores and we had a really great year! We are hoping to get to play college football. It has always been a dream of ours since we were little. George - Yea, I just really love playing football. It would be awesome to get the opportunity to play for a college, probably at the D1 level. HOK - Do you guys do everything together? Together - Yea, pretty much! Henry - It just makes sense. We have been like this since we were little, really tight, really bonded. It is really cool! George - “It is pretty cool to have someone to ask for help, you know, or have someone to talk to all the time, someone to do things with. It is really awesome, we are really blessed. We pretty much have the same friends and the same hobbies. It makes sense, I mean, identical twins, identical hobbies. We like to do pretty much everything together. HOK - Have you sent out your college applications yet? Henry - We have sent out some college applications, but we really want to play football so we are waiting to see what happens. The ultimate goal is to get an athletic scholarship to play football. We should know something by February 4th that is when colleges sign letters of intent. We are excited for that! George - Yea, it is pretty exciting process. It is a pretty long process but it pays off. To go to a college and play football, playing football is a privilege, not too many people get to do that so it is a pretty awesome opportunity and I will get to do something I love while getting an education. Henry - We have Take Stock In Children” scholarships that will help a lot with college, too. We got those at beginning of our sophomore year. With those and football, that will be great, we are trying to make college as cheap as possible for our parents. My parents, they work really hard but getting 7 kids through college ....that is a lot of money. We are trying to help out. Senior year has been the hardest year. We are taking Physics Honors and 3 AP classes. George - We want the colleges to appreciate the students we are as well as the athletes. I am taking the same classes as Henry, but they are shuffled around a little. We arent in the same classrooms all day! HOK - What do you think is the best thing Football taught you? Henry - It teaches you a lot, teaches you to be responsible, that you always have to help the person next to you. It really formed me into a great, honorable, trustworthy young man. Its great to have the football team, all of those guys to talk to and relate to. George - It teaches you discipline, it helps you to be a better citizen in the community. It taught us to respect everyone, no matter who they are, football teaches great character. HOK - What do you want to do after high school? Henry - I want to be an athletic trainer and major in physical therapy. That is my first choice. I love Ms. Fry and her AP History class, so as a second choice I think I would like to teach U.S. History. George - I want to be an environmental or maybe agricultural engineer. That is the fun part of the engineer choices. You can explore the environment and build cool stuff. Its just awesome! Henry - Did you tell her how you loved dinosaurs when you were younger? George - Yea, archeology and history, those are a couple more of my favorites. Henry loved trains, that is why he always ran fast like a locomotive! HOK - Youre a family with 7 kids. How do you like being in a big family? Henry - It is a definite privilege and a big opportunity. It is great to help out. It teaches you a good work ethic, how to be a member on a team, in a family. George - I love having siblings because when you get home, there are brothers and sisters that you can play around with. It gives me the sense that I am still young, I can still play like a kid. You can play around like a little kid and it is ok. HOK - What is the most important thing your parents have taught you? George - Worshiping God and our Catholic faith comes first. Faith will help you make the right decisions and be a morally guided person. Second, work hard, nothing is granted to you, you have to earn it. Henry - Yea, what he said and work hard, never take anything for granted. Anything can be taken away from you in an instant, except your education, because this can never be taken away from you. Keep God first and great things will happen. HOK - What do you like best about your mom? Henry - We share a lot of traits with her. I love how she has a strong opinion and she is a wise person. We learn tons from her about being strong and pursuing our dreams. George - She is pretty incredible raising 7 kids. It takes a ton of character and morals to teach all 7 kids the right things. She is such a strong person. I can go to her for anything. HOK - Same question, but about your dad. Henry - My dad is a hard worker, and he is so supportive. He backs us up for anything we want to do. It is amazing that he can support 7 kids. We really thank him for it. George - Hes a really good dad because he is a really funny guy, hes a funny dad. Its cool having a dad like that. He works hard but he isnt so tuned into work that he doesnt have time for his family. He makes time for all of us. Henry - We grew up in North Dakota. The weather is different, thats for sure. The school is a lot bigger here. In North Dakota there was, like, 8 people in our grade school graduating class, here there are, like, 200. It is a lot different. The holidays were my favorite thing about living there. George - “What I liked about North Dakota was getting to hang out with your friends; you could do anything, go outside, wander the woods, and find wild animals. It was awesome. We started playing football there and I learned that I loved it. I made my first touchdown there when I was about 12! It just happened. My family was so proud, they were all cheering! It was a great feeling! I love the Keys. I will miss it a lot. I will still visit, though. My favorite thing is going fishing with my dad, when we have time. I have to work too, so I have to balance it all out. Henry - We have been working at Publix for 3 years. It is a great first job! Its cool; Mr. Bean is a great guy. We are learning how to be in a real world job, it teaches us responsibility. George - Yea, what he said and just a little extra, like, I know I need to get my education. I dont want to spend my whole life in a minimum wage job. Working at Publix has been so great; they are so flexible with us. Henry - My favorite things about the Keys are the weather, fishing, and you can play football year round! George - And I like how everyone is really cool and really mellow. It is a relaxed environment. You can be a little worry free and say Yea, its the Keys! Its been a blessing to get to live down here. Henry - Yea, you can say that again!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 17:45:02 +0000

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