Her Secret Past CHAPTER 40 Secrets Out Its been a little - TopicsExpress


Her Secret Past CHAPTER 40 Secrets Out Its been a little over a month since Macys arrival now, and all hell has broken loose. Rumors of Marlenas past life has become the talk of the town. People are wondering if the rumors are really true that Marlena has a long-lost daughter. Among the whispers, people are taking sides on the situation. Some feel for Marlena and hope the outcome resolves itself. While others are condemning her and saying that shes a neglectful mother. All the talk pains Marlena, because she wants to speak up for herself to those condemning her. What good would that do though? No matter what she says it will still sound as if she just left her daughter. Her friends have been very supportive about it all. Maggie and Julie have provided a listening ear and advice on how to handle the situation. Marlenas taken everyones advice to heart. At the end of the day, shes still has to make the final decision concerning her and Macy. Its December 11th, and Christmas is soon approaching. Marlenas main focus is having a wonderful Christmas with her family this year. For the first time, shes got all of her kids home with her. She and John have been trying to figure out how to maneuver everything for the holidays. They dont want another Thanksgiving mishap. Theyve also been Christmas shopping for everyone and each other. Marlena had taken Marly separately. Marly wanted to get her parents something. They managed to find something that Marly found suitable for Macy. Secretly, they both wanted the same Christmas present, and that was for Macy to get better. Marlena had found a special gift for Macy. It was something that she hoped would jog Macys memory of their last Christmas together. She was having them refurbished in time for Christmas Eve. Today, she is at the hospital. Its her off day and she decided to check in with Kayla on Macys condition. She walks out of the elevator and comes upon Kayla, Daniel, and Maxine discussing Macys condition. They are trying to figure out their next step. Marlena hadnt spoken with any of them about Macys paternity, and they dared not mention it to her. She slowly approached them from behind. Im just not sure what to do. I want to handle her situation delicately and carefully, says Kayla. Her condition is worsening and the longer we have to wait. The dire her chances of making it through this becomes. I think you should look into other avenues, recommends Daniel. Like what, Daniel? I mean we have to wait on another human being to pass away before we can do anything, and that person has to be a definite match for her. That has not been easy to do, says Kayla. What about a living relative or another living person on the donor list?, asks Marlena. They turn around to see Marlena standing behind them. Marlena, we didnt even hear you walk up, says Maxine. I know. So what about a living donor? I mean it works just the same right?, questions Marlena. Yes it does, but someone would have to be willing to do that. Thats a very serious and complicated matter. Look Marlena, if your thinking about doing it..., pauses Daniel. Marlena throws her hand up and stops him. Daniel, I know I cant do it. Trust me, I really wish that I could. I would have given up my kidney a long time ago. Im just saying that you tested a lot of people that could be living donors. There could be a match on that list, and all this waiting could be for nothing, explains Marlena. Shes right. We really should take a look at that list and see, says Maxine. I think thats a great idea. Well just have to hope that someone is a match on it, says Kayla. I believe its the best way to go right now. I know all of you know that Macy is my daughter, and I just really want to see her make it through this, says Marlena. We will do whatever we can for her. There is nothing that we want more, reassures Daniel. Ill see if I can pull that list up. The computer files have been out of sorts since the storm. Wish me luck, says Maxine. Thank you both, says Marlena. No problem, says Daniel. Were one big family now. Weve got to stick together, says Maxine. The two women hug. Maxine and Daniel then excuse themselves, and leave Kayla and Marlena by themselves. Kayla, are you busy after your shift?, asks Marlena. No. Actually, today is my day off. I just came in for Macy only. I wanted to concentrate on her case more. Do you need something?, asks Kayla. Yes. Could you possibly lend an ear? I really need someone to talk too. I know you probably have some questions for me as well, says Marlena. As a matter of fact I do. Im all yours. Lets go in my office. We wont be disturbed in there, says Kayla. They walk down the hall to Kaylas office. Kayla closes the door. She and Marlena take a seat in front of Kaylas desk. Marlena looks nervous. Alright Marlena. You wanted to talk. Whats going on with you?, asks Kayla. Where do I begin?, says Marlena. How about why in the world did you not tell us about Macy?, asks Kayla. Marlena looks at her. Kayla, I know you already know that answer, says Marlena. Marlena, I just dont understand why you never said anything to her? I mean all the times that you two could have had together. You just let slip past you. Thats not like you, says Kayla. I know Kayla. Alot of things that I have done are unlike me. I feel like nothing makes sense these days to me. Ive been covering how I really feel, and honestly I just want to run from it all, says Marlena. What exactly are you wanting to run from?, asks Kayla. My life itself. Ive made promises on top of promises to John lately. Ive convinced him that everything is fine between us. Which it is, but I just feel like I am still lying to him, answers Marlena. Why do you feel that way? Is John not okay with Macy?, questions Kayla. No hes fine with Macy. He never had a problem with her. Its my relationship with Marcus that bothered him, remarks Marlena. Oh I get it now. John felt threatened by you and Marcus being together, but why? I mean Marcus is your past. So John shouldnt have never been concerned with that, says Kayla. I wish it was that easy to say. The thing is that Marcus and I are friends. Weve always been friends for Macys sake. The problem is that recently I made a decision not to pursue my ex, and I reassured my husband that our marriage is fine, explains Marlena. Is it?, asks Kayla. As far as my pursuing Marcus again, yes my marriage is fine. As far as my feelings for Marcus, I cant account for that. The truth is Kayla. Im married to John, but both men share a piece of my heart. John wants all of it. I dont know how to let go of Marcus in order to do that. Our friendship is the only thing that we have left, and Ive done my best to hold on to that. I just dont want John to start thinking otherwise again, admits Marlena. Marlena, it sounds like to me your trying to hang on to old memories. What exactly happened between you and Marcus?, asks Kayla. Thats a long story. Do you really have the time?, asks Marlena back. Thats what Im here for. For once, let someone else listen to you express your feelings. Stop playing psychiatrist and talk to me. Go ahead. Im listening, says Kayla. Marlena sits back in the chair and sighs. Boy where do I start? Alright Kayla, heres the story, says Marlena. And she begins........
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 02:54:11 +0000

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