Here I Come! Now that Gordon Brown has appointed himself Governor - TopicsExpress


Here I Come! Now that Gordon Brown has appointed himself Governor General of our country while the elected Scottish Government is ignored by Westminster, I thought it might be a good time to say, having slept on it, that the blog and batemanbroadcasting will continue. Elaine_C_Smith_on_Bateman_Broadcasting_190219808_thumbnail I will never give up on independence and in the meantime believe there is a pulsating demand to get to grips with our so-called government structures. Two things stung me in the last 48 hours after the numbness of defeat. The first was the appointment of Establishment quango man Lord Smith of Kelvin to head up the UK government’s further powers commission (quango) while I simultaneously was treated to the BBC fawning over Gordon Brown who declared it was HIS job to guarantee powers. Meanwhile I find no reference to the Scottish Government. Sue-MacGregors-filofax-p3 Who the hell is running the country? We get a placeman with a title (and an island by the way) appointed without consultation or conferral and we have the humiliation of a backbench opposition MP thrust upon us – at whose say-so? I will take no lessons from Brown whose record in office and manic behaviour is a national embarrassment. Just as his former Cabinet colleagues…Is this how our country will now be run? Even the bonkers fast-track ‘powers’ are now a football at Westminster as the Tories add in a reduction in Scottish MPs’ influence to screw Miliband. We need to keep on top of this and ask if we can trust the same outlets that failed us so miserably over the referendum? IMG_8057 I can’t give away detail yet but I plan a media presence integrating the written word with broadcasting in one package. I am consulting with others (not Lord Smith) to produce a business model that will be sustainable. You will have a chance to be part of it and it won’t necessarily involve wine this time. That’s all I can say at the moment and more detail will have to await a series of Power Breakfasts next week. (I used to have one of those bulky diary thingys…a Filofax. Does anybody still use them? I need to look the part. I’m hunting out my suit and if I can only find a tie…)
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 17:09:19 +0000

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