Here are 7 things you might not know about me. (I got tagged in a - TopicsExpress


Here are 7 things you might not know about me. (I got tagged in a meme...) 1. My hair is almost 100% gray. It turned gray overnight when I was in my 20s. Literally, overnight. It was just in places, but has since spread to most of my hair. Thus, I have to dye it every 3 weeks, just to keep up with the roots. 2. I once dated someone moderately famous. I wont say who, but he is in the (gossip) news regularly, usually for being an idiot. This is why I will not tell you who. But I had fun while it lasted. 3. During my 20s I spent most of my free time in clubs throughout LA, listening to live music and taking in the atmosphere. I love to people watch and I love to write, so I would sit in a corner with my journal and record what I saw. When I met my husband, we did this in Detroit at an old dive jazz bar in the eastern market. He would sketch and I would write while we drank way too many martinis. It was glorious. Now a days, you couldnt drag me to a concert or a nightclub. But back then, you would be hard pressed to keep me out of them. 4. I really really want to be a private detective. I once (sort of) went on a stakeout with a good friend of mine. We were convinced that someone that we knew had taken money from our work paypal account, so we made a list of all of the items that we would need (rope, duct tape, camera, journal, Nancy Drew Handbook For Girl Detectives*, binoculars, snack food, drinks). We made a plan to rendezvous in the parking lot behind our favorite coffee shop where we would then head out to the marks neighborhood. The fatal flaw in our plan arose in the parking lot, where we decided to share a little recreational greenery first. The bust was a, well... bust after that. This is why stoners do not rule the world. Theyre way to tired to take a stand. (Disclaimers: This was quite a long time ago. We only collected those items because we thought thats what real detectives would carry. We were absolutely not prepared to use them. I dont know what we would have done if we actually saw the mark. Probably would have hit the gas and headed far far away!) *Why do Girl Detectives need their own guide to private detection? Does it have something to do with our cycles? 5. I once visited a maximum security prison with my cousin, who was a guard there. She told the warden that I was considering a career in law enforcement (I wasnt), so I was able to go into the locked down isolation area and look inside the private cells (through their windows). Then I went into the highest security section where the prisoners were roaming free. I was instructed not to make eye contact with anyone, I was not able to wear make-up and I had to wear neutral colors. Before I entered the prison, I had to sign a release that said I understood that the prison would not negotiate for my release should I be taken hostage. My cousin said that it was a formality, that it was very unlikely to happen. She also said that, if there was a lockdown (again, very unlikely), that I should hit the floor and stay there because she was going to respond to it. There WAS a lockdown. I was in the wardens office area when it happened (thank god!) and I immediately hit the floor. The warden yelled at me to get up, then yelled at my cousin for leaving me there. It. Was. Awesome. (Oh, and I learned that everyone in prison was set up. I know, because they all thought that I was a lawyer and tried to give me copies of their research and files.) 6. In 1993 (or was it 94?) when Desert Storm (?) was underway, a good friend of mine got the call that he was being deployed. He was stationed down near San Diego so his girlfriend and I drove down from Orange County and snuck on base to say good-bye. The boys in his barracks moved us from room to room to hide us from the higher ups. They did room checks and we were literally smuggled all over the place to avoid detection. Unbelievably, we were able to say good-bye and make it back off the base without being detected. Now a days, that would never be possible. 7. As a professional writer, my work has been syndicated all over the far reaches of the internet, as well appearing in numerous print magazines. Of the 80+ articles that Ive been paid to write and the 1 book that I was contracted for, only 2 pieces were ever published under my name. The rest were published under the client(s) name, as I was hired to be their ghost writer. The topics were all on the subject of health and my clients were all MDs or PhDs. I do not have a degree in any type of science. I went to school for graphic design. If you want to participate, like this post and Ill put your number in the comments.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 21:57:07 +0000

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