Here are links to video tutorials I have started making folks! And - TopicsExpress


Here are links to video tutorials I have started making folks! And notes for making it easier to find! READ WHAT IS IN HERE!!!! You will become WELL ACQUAINTED!!! GO GO GO!!!!!! ⦁ How to View Your 10 Daily ads - ⦁ https://youtube/watch?v=QwRgoE-Yg5M ⦁ How to Place Text Ads WITH POWER TIP - ⦁ https://youtube/watch?v=Jyr6OBD3OiM Here is IMPORTANT NOTES worth reading!!! 1. Ready Folks!!!!!! 2. M.A.P. - MyAdvertisingPays - it REALLY DOES PAY!!! 3. F.A.Q. - By reading them, you will have a great understanding of MAP!! 4. D.T.F. - DUPLICATE THE FORMULA!!!! I will post more on this soon! 5. B.A.L. - BE A LEADER!!!! Help another, teach another! SUCCEED!!! 6. You ALL can do this! You dont have to be a internet marketing guru!!! Determination, Decision, DO!!!!!! 7. For those wanting the answer what the product is - HERE IS THE PRODUCT(s). Understand this ok - Part (5%) of your total earnings goes towards an advertising fund. That advertising fund pays for a AD spot/banner in the traffic area where you are surfing your 10 webpages daily! Myself, I have added a site here and IF someone sees my webpage, I literally have 1,000s of HIGH QUALITY products for sale! By increasing the traffic to my site, I get a great opportunity to make additional earnings from my advertising budget!!! 8. Guys Heres a link for Vx for support if Needed . VX GATEWAY CONTACT INFORMATION VX GATEWAY Contact us directly 2630 Fountain View Drive, Ste 403 Houston TX 77057 +1-786-288-3366 contactus@vxgateway 9. Your first 30 days is your absolute most awesome time to ROCK MAP!!!! WHY???? Because almost ALL the PRIVILEGES that come with the Primetime Membership are included!!!! 10. Folks, the possibilities are endless. You just dont know who will sign with you and then go CRAZY building this thing which in turn will benefit you even if you had just one CREDIT PACK!!!! 11. Get on board and dont waste the 30 DAY FREE TRIAL period!!!!!! 12. Things can and DO happen!!!!!! 13. Think about it! You have a opportunity to EXPLODE this thing and as a result, you may be saying to yourself, WOW, this is a no-brainer. I am opting for the PRIMETIME MEMBERSHIP at the end of my 30 days!!!!! 14. Start sharing!!!!!! 15. Life is to short to procrastinate. Live it. Share this amazing opportunity with someone else and watch what happens!!!!! 16. MORE TO REMEMBER!! The $50 Credit Packs EXPIRE once they at $60.00. This could be less than 60 days OR it could be MORE than 60 days!!!! BOTTOM LINE, we still get paid!!!! I am releasing some videos for you this weekend!!!! Until then share this amazing opportunity with others! 17. EFFORT IN, REWARD OUT!!!!! ******IMPORTANT****** To be CERTAIN FOLKS, what is here has been edited properly to reflect the business as it really is. I posted this before but it is now edited for your benefit and the benefit of others you are presenting MAP to! GIVE A READ from about half way down where I introduce MAP! (12 paragraphs down) There is a great invite tool in the back office that puts yours and the persons name you are inviting in the letter. There is also a great web capture page that you can direct people to. Here is another thing you do. Alter this as you feel. But I send this to friends that know me well and give them more: I do not take this lightly and am serious about this. So please take a thorough read through this and let me know if you are interested in starting a online business. Just inbox me! GIVE THIS A THOROUGH READ!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS ABOUT AN INCOME ON LINE??!!!! Let us for a moment say that your business is like a Lamborghini on the Autobahn. The Lamborghini is the business itself, the Autobahn is the freeway of earnings. To get those earnings, you need to travel the Autobahn. BUT, if your Lamborghini does not have the proper fuel FORMULA, a snail can go whizzing past and while you have a great opportunity, you go no where. So what happens if we put diesel fuel in the car? It will have an initial start but then KABLOOEY! - engine failure cataclysmic! Great looking business - wrong FORMULA! What if we use Jet Fuel FORMULA? Initially, the car will ROCKET, PROPEL into overdrive. Business will start with a bang and end shortly afterwards because the business/car was not designed to work on this sort of fuel FORMULA. Regular unleaded FORMULA will not do either. So what is needed for this Lamborghini/business! The RIGHT fuel FORMULA! Quite frankly, this concept can be for any business model! Ok, with the right fuel/business FORMULA, we can move down that Autobahn. Now the question becomes, how are you going to steer the car/business, when will you apply the brakes, how far on one tank can you go, how many tanks are you willing to refill with, when will you be sure to get a tune-up/checkup to be sure all systems are going well, when will you stop to take notice of the scenery, etc. Now we could explain each and every one of these aspects in a full note unto themselves but will leave that alone for now. Let us state this - We need to FOCUS on a FIRM FORMULA for business. That is to say that we MUST do this properly. We must learn how to handle this incredibly powerful car/business. When we FOCUS properly it means we are understanding that the FORMULA is FIRM, stable and if done correctly, it WILL WORK! Please understand the dynamic of my metaphor of the Lamborghini completely. Know to that while some may choose a PROGRESSIVE SLOWER START, others will choose a AGGRESSIVE FASTER START. What do both have in common? The same MINDSET of following a FORMULA that is FIRM! We want you to know that this is NOT an investment. If you want to invest your money, look into an RSP or savings bonds or 401s, etc. This is an actual business opportunity. The time spent is because we know it works, have experienced it working and we are compelled to share it with you. Bottom line on that is what we call R.A.P. - Resistance, Assistance, Persistence! Resistance - Have patience to build your income up! Assistance - Others helped you - lets help others! Persistence - Dont give up! We want to help you with a legitimate way to earn from your home. We desire to create a team of people who are going to follow a FORMULA that WORKS. Now, you like the word FORMULA right? Let us convert that word now to INSTRUCTION! Are you willing to follow precise instruction? Are you willing to learn completely and properly? This is crucial to any for success in business. We will provide 100% proper training instruction! MY ADVERTISING PAYS is a solid, online company with a PHENOMENAL FORMULA!!!! Lets go through some immediate stuff! *Whoever showed you this opportunity wants to help you as they have been helped! If no one showed you and you stumbled across this, I will be happy to sponsor you and HELP you!! *You are only ALLOWED one ACCOUNT!!! This is AWESOME news!!!!! You will understand why soon! *You are only ALLOWED up to 1200 CREDIT PACKS!! This too is AWESOME news!!! You will soon find out why! *You ONLY make commission referral money on the people you directly sponsor! Again, AWESOME news!!! You will find out why!! *Sign up for the 30 day FREE TRIAL!!!!! *The 30 day FREE TRIAL ALLOWS you to view the 10 webpages required to qualify you for additional earnings from credit packs you have! ! You may even have a credit pack GIFTED to you!!! *The 30 day FREE TRIAL ALLOWS you to collect referral commissions of 10% for EVERY credit pack purchased by people you sponsor!!!!!!! *The 30 day FREE TRIAL ALLOWS you the MAXIMUM amount of credit packs (1200) *The 30 day FREE TRIAL ALLOWS you to see just how powerful this thing really is! NOW LETS TAKE A CLOSER LOOK!!! *What happens if you buy a credit pack? Well, that credit pack cost $50.00. And it has a shelf life of APPROXIMATELY 60 DAYS depending on the profit share earnings every 20 minutes! It could be LESS than 60 days, it could be MORE than 60 days!! But guess what!!!?? Bottom line is the $50.00 turns into $60.00 and then the Credit Pack is expired! That is a 20% profit!!!! WoW!!!! A Credit Pack is what allows this to happen! *You get paid 72 times a day through profit sharing - that is every 20 minutes!!! Watch it grow! *This averages a dollar a day for EACH Credit Pack! What happens you reach $50 in you online virtual office which many call their Back Office? Well, you now can buy another CREDIT PACK!!! So until that first Credit Pack expires, it will have money combined with your new credit pack! . Then you can repeat this process! You buy another Credit pack!!! You can see where this will grow!!!! *Imagine if you came in with 10 CREDIT PACKS!!! *Imagine 20 CREDIT PACKS!!!!! *Now when you sponsor people and they are doing the same thing, everytime they buy a credit pack, you receive $5.00!!!! If they buy 10, you receive $50.00!!! That is enough to buy another Credit pack for yourself and watch it turn into $60.00!!!!! WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END OF 30 DAY TRIAL? *Depending on what you have done in M.A.P., you will opt to continue for FREE but this limits your earnings. You may choose the roughly $25.00/Year option which allows more credit packs to be bought and 4% commission on Referrals. There is also a $49.00/per 6 months and a $99.00/Per 6 months plan. The $99 plan allows up to a maximum of 1200 Credit packs and unlimited referrals at 10% commissions! *BUT THERE IS MORE!!!!! Part of your profits go to an ADVERTISING BUDGET!! This money allows you to PROMOTE your website OR a site that is not even yours! The idea here is that it can potentially create additional income for those who are attempting to make additional money from the products or services they offer! EXTRA INFO!!! The websites you view last from 10-29 seconds each. There is a countdown timer that lets you know the site has been SURFED. Once you have done 10, the clock starts a 24 hour timer till you do it again BUT lets say you viewed your sites at 9pm. Well, at MIDNIGHT Eastern Standard time, you can view 10 sites again for the following day!!!!! There is ALOT of training at your disposal! And if you are SERIOUS about the FORMULA that works no matter what level you are at, your sponsor or myself or another sponsor can teach you the tips and strategies to make your new online business succeed! WE ARE IN THIS AS A TEAM!!!!!!!!!!! Again, if you dont have someone to sponsor you, I would be happy to help you! You can find me on Facebook! Jody Midgley!!! Here is my link to my page: \l myadvertisingpays. com/cp1.asp?SponsId=22305 ****When you use VX LOOP to send funds to others, you can ONLY send $100.00 per day MAXIMUM!!!********* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Folks, Someone has taken time to teach you, train you. OR you have looked into all things and you have experience. That teaching, that training, that experience, that knowledge - are we keeping it to ourselves. If we are, then guess what? That is what WILL be duplicated by MOST! You KNOW that this thing is INCREDIBLE and WORKS! So let us set forth into pure action of duplication of those who are doing this! And as I said before - EFFORT IN - REWARD OUT!!!!!!!!! ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ You are able to receive the LOYALTY incentive of an additional 10 Credit Packs on top of the 1200 packs PLUS UNLIMITED referrals still with the Primetime Membership!*****************************UPDATE MAY 28-2014***********************************HERE IS SOMETHING I WROTE FOR ADVERTISING PURPOSES. ALTER AS YOU FEEL. You think only the smart or the elite or the Internet Marketing Gurus make all the money successfully from the comfort of their homes? It used to be that was true, BUT, NOW there is a way for YOU to create INCREDIBLE income from your home without having to be super-savy on the computer! What if I told you THERE IS A WAY? What if I told you that YOU CAN DO THIS? What if I told you it can be done in JUST MINUTES EACH DAY? What if I told you it was SIMPLE ENOUGH FOR ANYONE TO DO? What if I told you that you can REGISTER FOR FREE? What if I told you that THERE IS EXCELLENT SUPPORT? What if I told you this can CHANGE YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE? What if I told you that you can be paid EVERY 20 MINUTES, 72 TIMES A DAY? What if I told you that... Well, there are no IFS in any of these things mentioned. THEY ARE TRUE! Here are the real IFS! IF you do this right, YOU CAN WIN!!!! IF you understand the power of duplication, then you have begun the process to changing many things! Your mindset, your income, your life! DO or DOUBT? Doubt will lead us down a road that has a dead end. DO ask for the appropriate help! DO ask for the information that can literally change the entire landscape of your financial arena! DO look into it with a mindset that desires to understand fully how to let your money work for you rather than you working for your money all the time! You have nothing to lose by signing for free and learning all there is to make a successful go of this awesome opportunity! My name is Jody Midgley and I will call you on the phone in North America or through Skype worldwide. Or other means of communication. Ask me what you will! I am here to help! I have even begun training videos to help you and created a Facebook page dedicated to support! Go to \l startpayingme. com or to \l myadvertisingpays. ca to see a short video on this awesome system. Legit, Legal, IT WORKS! So lets work it!!!! ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** POWER TIP! This is in regards to viewing your ads. MAP runs on a 24 hour time period from when you viewed your 10th ad. Having said this, here is what I do: I generally view NINE ads in the morning and save my tenth one for the last possible second. You see if all 10 were viewed at 8am, the following day they would have to be viewed by 8am OR the banner goes RED. This means you lose 20 minute intervals of profit share in time. Not in dollars. So, I am set to view my last ad at around 10:15 nightly. I try to view that ad when there is one minute left on the clock! Eventually, one may end up using BUY VACATION TIME credit for $5.00 from your Available Advertising Fund. When that happens and it can, you would buy the time as late as possible and then your 24 hour countdown for viewing ads has a new time finish to it. DONT LET IT GO RED FOLKS! Slows things down for you. OK, Have a great night and day and all the best to you as you build your MAP! ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Please, if you are experiencing a serious matter in maps, go to the upper right corner of MAP in the back office and you can CONTACT US and send in a Ticket. Be extremely clear and detailed with what the issue is. And try to be fair as to what level of urgency it is. For example, if you are stuck at $15.99 and it says that credit pack has expired and you cant view ads as a result, take a screenshot of your desktop. To do this, simply hit the PrtScn button on your keyboard, then paste it into Paint and save as a JPEG. Then send in the picture with your request for help.MAP has a LIGHTNING fast response team and they will get to the bottom of the matter quickly with you.**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Remember!!! When your 30 day free trial is done, your profit sharing WILL STOP until you have opted in to a paid membership to continue. When you upgrade your membership, your profit sharing WILL commence until it has totaled the $60.00. The membership levels are in the back office under Membership Levels. FREE LEVEL - ONLY referral money can be earned at 4% $24.99/year - 6% referrals and 150 Credit Packs MAX. $49.99/every 6 months - 8% Referrals and 500 Credit Packs MAX. $99.99/every 6 months - 10% Referrals and 1200 Credit Packs PLUS LOYALTY BONUS! ******************************************************************************************* You can withdraw any amount from MAPs to your VXLOOP account, however keep in mind that the receiver pays the $1.00 fee for receiving a Remittance from MAPs. You will want to accumulate funds at MAPs before you withdraw to VX Gateway. KEEP IN MIND FOLKS that in order to WITHDRAW funds from VX-GATEWAY, the LIMITS are quite LOW even if Verified and Active. However, by submitting the appropriate documents requested in VX, those limits can go MUCH HIGHER!!! I submitted my Passport, Drivers Liscence, copy of phone bill and copy of electric bill. VX has a spot for this process. Navigate to MY PROFILE, PROOF OF IDENTIFICATION - there you will see the documents upload page. Then you MUST submit a TICKET for your profile and say you uploaded the documents for higher withdraws! AND REMEMBER, YOU MUST put your VX Account Number in your MAP PROFILE and update it or the funds will be withdrawn from your account but wont go anywhere. ********************************************************************************************
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 04:54:27 +0000

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