Here is a wonderful music video that I was blessed to be a part - TopicsExpress


Here is a wonderful music video that I was blessed to be a part of. Again, every news organization gets my percentage wrong and SO I JUST WANT TO CORRECT IT AND SAY I HAD 0% OR LESS THAN 1% CHANCE OF SURVIVAL. THIS MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE, SEEING THAT IT WAS ONLY GOD WHO SAVED ME. Amber Lynn was so kind and wanted to show my story during her music video. She has the most amazing voice. And we had outstanding videographers who filmed this amazing video, Cameron Gade and Eric Thayne at Catchlight (facebook/catchlightcinematography). It was such a pleasure to be a part of this song called “Higher”. It is beautiful and fits my accident so well. When we go through trials and struggles we need to see that they arent to bring us down, but to rise us higher. They are blessings in disguise. It is incredibly hard to see that at the beginning, but we need to cover up our discouragement with faith and keep going. Once we get pass the hard times, then we’ll realize what a blessing it really was. I don’t ever see my accident as something horrendous in my life. I see it as a blessing, as something God was kind to give to help me learn so many things. I have changed so much and I have definitely felt myself rise a lot higher from this accident. My testimony has changed, my attitude has become more positive, and the way I look at things has changed where I just look at the good. I could not be more grateful for this experience and to be an instrument in God’s hands to show the world that He is still a God of miracles. It shows it so much in my accident BECAUSE I WAS GIVEN 0% AND SO NOTHING THE DOCTORS DID OR MY AGE HELPED ME AWAKE AND MY RECOVERY. IT WASN’T ANYONE BUT GOD. The doctors even say that because of how miraculous it was. So no it isn’t ever about me, it’s about God. Express gratitude for the things you go through. He is a part of your life in every way. See that and rejoice. He is merciful and kind. He wants us back with Him. youtube/watch?v=UPo1f0jbGXw
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 21:03:42 +0000

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