Here is an email I sent our senators and representatives about the - TopicsExpress


Here is an email I sent our senators and representatives about the prison in West Jordan. Please be sure to share your familys story as well with your legislature so they understand the impact their decision will have. Senator, I want to share my familys story with you. I have been married for 12 years and we have 4 children ranging in age of 2 years to 9 years old. I have worked hard to provide a home and daily needs for my family. Two years ago my wife and I decide it was time to move from our first home where multiple incidents had made us feel unsafe. We scrimped and saved our money to buy a new home. We wanted to buy our dream home, a place where our kids would feel safe. After searching the entire valley we found the perfect home in West Jordan. I planned to never leave this community. I was completely shocked to find out that my neighborhood was designated as an ideal spot for a prison. We moved our family in to give them a safe, wonderful and lasting home in a community focused on helping them grow. Having a prison in our backyard is a complete reversal of everything we hoped to build for our family. Moving the prison into a fast-growing community full of children and economic potential is the wrong decision. This is one of the fastest growing areas in the valley because of the desirable location. Placing the prison here will stifle economic growth, community expansion and add more stress to an area with already heavily burdened schools and road ways. I understand the desire to move the prison out of Draper. However, the citizens who moved into that area were well aware of their proximity to the prison. My family and I were completely oblivious to this area being a possible relocation area. We feel like our dreams and our investment in our home are at risk based on your decision on where to relocate the prison. Lets decide to invest in families, communities and businesses that want to make this area a thriving place. Lets decide to protect the dreams of thousands of people who, like me, came to West Jordan to build their dream home and raise their families in safety. Lets decide to not allow the prison to be relocated to an area that has greater possible value for the valley and all of Utah. I have confidence in your ability to make the right decision. Thank you for your service to our community, Adam Shiflett
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 05:52:38 +0000

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