Here is an update on my Nephew. As some may recall the prayer - TopicsExpress


Here is an update on my Nephew. As some may recall the prayer request of a young boy struck by a vehicle on his way to school in Virginia .... 90 days Update - Here we are at the three month mark and thanking God everyday for all He has done in Kenneths life. A month ago Kenneth entered intense physical/occupational/speech therapy and had made remarkable progress.Kenneths incisions are healing quite nicely from surgery last month. Kenneth is communicating several ways, thumbs up or down, pointing to yes and no, or my personal favorite shaking his head yes or no. Occasionally he would say the word Yes and cracks a smile! Slowly but surely we know he will be talking again. Kenneth is sitting up the wheelchair daily with little to no support, which is great. They are working on standing him up on his own, so eventually he could take steps in the walker. Kenneths vision is improving and definitely recognizes family and pictures. We are so grateful for the nurses, therapist and doctors at CHKD. Just the other night we played UNO. Kenneth recognized and play the right cards, knew when he needed to pick up cards or even throw down that WILD card. It was an amazing milestone. Nurses are always impressed with how far Kenneth has come. Yesterday as his Mom was leaving he gave her a kiss goodbye. Moments to cherish. We are so thankful for the progress Kenneth is showing and road God is taking him on. In a few weeks with Gods Blessings Kenneth will be transferred to St. Marys Home for Disabled Children in Norfolk. We were able to take a tour of this wonderful facility, the staff is just amazing and know Kenneth will continue to progress well with their help. Yesterday St. Marys Staff came by to do Kenneths Assessment which from everything we could see, it looks like its a go! The staff has to submit all the recommendations for the final approval, but our God has the final say! Amen! We know Kenneth will exceed all expectations. Now therefore, our God, we thank you, and praise your glorious name. 1 Chronicles 29:13 Please continue to keep Kenneth and our family in your daily prayers. Thank you all for your continued support, calls and text messages. Thank you all for the bracelets, cards and gifts, there is no doubt Kenneth has over 100 by now.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 17:32:44 +0000

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