Here is my Chocolate Lab of Pure Love, Lindsay Davenport Roy - TopicsExpress


Here is my Chocolate Lab of Pure Love, Lindsay Davenport Roy (named for my favorite tennis player,) shes my BFF and Im Kevin Roy, someone who actually cares despite having lost my mother to suicide, a sister to bulimia, my dream job in Chicago to opportunists, my partner of nearly 10 years who also stole my other Chocolate Lab, Bella. Please watch this video and see how smart and STRONG Lindsay is. There is no way in the world that she is dead. I do not believe it whatsoever. Enough of the lies masquerading as your idiotic you-all-know-who intervention from hell. I cant name his name because yet another restraining order is out against ME of all people. Give me a break! Lindsay and I are the ones who need the restraining order against all of you! And apologies. Visited both Neal Weisenberg and Matt Wurster in LA last night and left my card with information -- cant even be bothered to call me back. Wurster set conditions for friendship? Screw yourself, Matt! Who do you think you are? PLEASE HELP! Im desperate for the safe return of my 8-year-old Chocolate Labrador Retriever named Lindsay Davenport Roy. Her name was misspelled by Los Animal Control Officer Arapacio (#093) as Lindsey. She was stolen 5/31/14 from my SUV which was parked in front of 807 N. Fuller Ave., West Hollywood, CA, 90046 at approximately 2:30pm PST. Lindsay is my registered Service Dog. We are protected by the Americans With Disabilities Act. The ADA is supposed to supersede any and all local, county, and/or state laws but no one Ive come in contact with regarding this matter seems to care about that. I havent seen Lindsay since 5/31/14. Not once! Heres what may have happened: Some neighbors who live near and/or at 807 N. Fuller Ave., West Hollywood, CA, 90046, saw Lindsay in my car, called 911, it was 72-degrees. We are from Palm Springs, California and know what a HOT day is like and I bring Lindsay everywhere and do NOT leave her in the car because of the heat in the desert. I know ignorance is not a defense, but I did not know it was against the law to leave a dog in a car unattended at any time. It never occurrred to me that I was breaking the law or putting Lindsay at risk. After spotting Lindsay, and she probably tried to be friendly and stuck her nose through the windows (which I had reflective shades covering the front and side windows to also keep the temperature down and they are very effective.) The Good Samaritans did the right thing and probably called 9-1-1 then. I believe, although Ive never been given a copy of the police report and the citation I was given I asked a friend who was with me to hold onto it but I never got it back. Ive asked for a copy of that citation citing California penal code 579.9 regarding leaving an Unattended Animal in a car, but no one at the West LA Animal Shelter nor any of the many shelters I have since visited will provide me with a copy or show me what one looks like so I can read it and make sure Im in compliance with all of the requirements so that I will be allowed to have Lindsay returned to me. I believe one or both LA Animal Control Officers -- Yvette Smith and/or Arapicio (#93) -- broke into my SUV; cut the rear passenger side interior door handle; and took Lindsay. Too bad they didnt call BMW Road Assistance because BMW could have called me and told me to return to my car immediately and this entire mess could have been avoided/prevented. BMW does have my current phone number and I know that would have worked. My car was cool, I had the a/c on for hours and left food and water out for her and when I got into the car it wasnt warm. I dont fault anyone for trying to do the right thing on behalf of animals and humans. The reason I left her there was I was sick and had been trying to find a better parking spot, one closer to a place with a bathroom I could use. Have you ever tried to find an establishment on Melrose Avenue that has a bathroom and allows the general public to use it? Being from Palm Springs, I wasnt sure where to go. I tried several places and was turned away. Someone with the group of neighbors on N. Fuller apparently decided to call 911 and alerted Animal Control about Lindsay. When I returned to my car, a group of people were waiting for me and yelled repeatedly: Youre going to hell! Youre evil! Your dog is going to die! A few days later, my father spoke with LA Animal Control Officer Smith and he was told Lindsay Iwas doing well and should be fine. There was no permanent damage. I was told the same thing and that I had nothing to worry about and Lindsay would be returned to me, probably after attending a court hearing scheduled for June 25, 2014. About a week later, I received a call from Los Angeles Police asking if I would drive from Palm Springs to the Hollenbeck Police Station the next day for a meeting about Lindsay. I agreed, I would do and still will do just about anything for Lindsay. She is my family. The next day, June 17, 2014, Los Angeles Animal Control Officer Yvette Smith was not present for the meeting as I was told she would be. Detective Ricardo Sanchez and another officer took me into a room. We sat down and Detective Sanchez looked at me and said: Your dog is dead. Lindsay died. I asked what every dog owner would immediately want to know: When did she die? How? Where? Detective Sanchez replied: Youll find out more at the June 25th court hearing. He couldnt give me one more fact regarding Lindsays death. While I was initially crying after hearing the news, I started to really question whether she was or is dead. I showed up for the June 25th hearing and was told it was in another courthouse. I drove to the other courthouse and there was no record of a hearing, nothing posted on the docket, not even the Clerk at the Information window could find any time or courtroom. I was never notified of a change of location or time. I have a proof of appearance that is notarized to show I was indeed there on June 25, 2014 and showed up on time. Since then, Ive been calling LA Animal Control Officer Yvette Smith and have left her several messages. She doesnt return my calls. Ive visited most of the animal shelters in the city of Los Angeles and the County of Los Angeles, as well. No one will use a microchip locator on any of the dogs that look like Lindsay when I ask. Her AVID Microchip # is: 094782827. AVID says a veterinarian nurse from Laurel Pet Hospital, where Lindsay was first taken, called to verify her identity. AVID says my two phone numbers and the Alternate Contacts phone number were given to that nurse and to Officer Smith. I first entered that phone information, including the Alternate Contacts number, 8 years ago when I adopted Lindsay. Her AVID microchip was inserted by a veterinarian in Wheeling, Illinois when she was spayed. That was 2005. In 2010, we moved to Palm Springs, California. I wish it had occurred to me to change the contact information but it didnt. My Illinois phone numbers were no longer valid and havent been for a couple of years. My current phone number is 760.844.3802. AVID has that correct number now. The veterinarian nurse and Officer Smith may have tried to call me using those outdated numbers and werent able to get through, so they tried the Alternate Contact. Yesterday, AVID told me that the Alternate Contact claimed to be Lindsays owner. That is definitely not true and he knows it. What else he may have told them I can only imagine and Im sure its only made this situation a lot worse than it should have been and he is probably enjoying that fact very much. When I asked for his help in locating Lindsay or if he knew anything about it and if AVID had contacted him, his reply was vindictive and he said, among other unmentionable quotes, that I shouldnt be allowed to have a dog. How hypocritical of him since he broke an agreement we had as we were breaking up yet sharing the same home. We agreed to keep our two chocolate labs together since they were inseparable and were like sisters to each other. Lindsays older sister is another Chocolate Lab named Bella, who is about 2-and-a-half years older than Lindsay. One night, I came home from work in Chicago, Illinois in 2009 to find that Bella was gone. Lindsay was alone, crying and very sad. I could tell she was missing her sister and was scared since she was left alone in that big house for who knows how long by herself. Unattended, too. The Alternate Contact didnt leave a note. I tried to reach him by phone but he didnt pick up or chose to ignore my repeated calls. He essentially stole Bella per our agreement. When he finally did pick up the phone several days later, he was argumentative and said I cant imagine having to deal with you and the dogs when this is all finally over. This from the guy who threatened my life so I moved out of that beautiful house and went into hiding to save my life and my dogs life, to be honest. After years of his physical and emotional abuse which sent me to the hospital and to a therapist, who told me I suffered from battered wife syndrome, I wasnt about to take any chances. I had to take him seriously. I finally managed to find the strength to stay away from him. It took 9 long, painful years and there were many very public and humiliating scenes, always caused by him and in front of family or friends or as many people as possible in which he dumped me. There were at least 20 such scenes over the 9 years we were together. This final time, I arrived home from work and he was yelling. The next door neighbors son, about 10 years old, was listening to everything. So I asked to go inside. His yelling and my listening but not responding continued. Then he said, and with a look in his eyes like he was enjoying what he was saying to his soon to be ex-partner: Youre going to have two exes who hate you. Your father hates you. And your mother committed suicide just to get away from you! How very unfortunate, then, that AVID called this guy (the Alternate Contact) and told him about Lindsay and that he claimed to be Lindsays owner. Since then, I have called AVID and hes been removed from the contact information, but I have been treated like a criminal, a fool, and I know in my heart that Lindsay is NOT dead. I have a special connection with her and I know that she is still alive. Someone has to know something. Please! I cannot function and its all because of this dog napping situation. Nothing else, despite what some people (who shall remain nameless because naming them will only make it worse and give them the attention they are starving for -- literally.) They have been doing all kinds of really awful, nasty things to me for at least four-and-a-half years now, probably longer. Why? I cant begin to understand why people choose to be so cruel to other people, family members, and our furry family members like Lindsay Davenport Marcus Roy. Do you know about this situation? Please contact me. Take a look at the photos here. Im not sure at all whether Lindsay is dead or alive or where she is. This week, I drove to the Baldwin Park Animal Shelter twice after seeing a photo that looks identical to her. I was promised by Officer Smith that Lindsay would not be put up for adoption and I would get her back. Theres another photo of a dog at The Agoura Hills Animal Shelter and the Lab is wearing a pink/salmon colored Jonathan Adler collar. Lindsay has the same collar. I visited that shelter again this week, but I left unsure of whether that is Lindsay or not. 760.844.3802. Kevin. Please help. All info will be kept confidential. I need her back ASAP! If shes dead, please prove it. If shes alive, she belongs with me. WATCH THE VIDEO AND HELP ME GET LINDSAY BACK WITH ME NOW.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 06:38:14 +0000

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