Here is our next Revelation study: Revelation - TopicsExpress


Here is our next Revelation study: Revelation 19:10-16 Revelation 19:10 - At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.” -After being called to write about the great multitude glorifying God and about the marriage supper of the lamb, John feels compelled to fall to his knees in worship of the angel who told him of these things. Angels, like humans, are created things and we should never worship creation, but we should save all worship for the Creator alone. Some may ask, how could John, one of the first disciples of Jesus, be so careless and worship an angel? It may be easier than we all think. Its easy to pass judgment on others when they stumble but harder to see our own faults. Read Matthew 7:3-5 and Luke 6:42. How do most people treat sports figures, movie stars, and other celebrities?How often do we look at them in amazement? They are sinners just like us. Or how many times do we hold our spiritual leaders, pastors, elders, biblical teachers, and other people of faith higher than we should. They may do and say great things for the kingdom of God but they are sinners just like us and we need to recognize and worship the One who is without sin, Jesus Christ. -The Spirit of prophecy is the Holy Spirit and will always bear witness to Jesus Christ. This means that prophecy at its very heart is designed to unfold the beauty and loveliness of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” (John Walvrood) Any prophecy or teaching that takes our minds and hearts away from Jesus is a false one. Revelation 19:11 - I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. -Revelation means an unveiling and the Book of Revelation hits its climax in this verse with the glorious appearing and second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Our blessed hope will be fulfilled when this verse actually plays out and what a glorious day that will be! -Read Zechariah 14:3-4. Scripture tells us that when He comes back he will first come and set foot on the Mount of Olives east of Jerusalem. -Notice that Jesus will be riding a white horse. Before, in chapter 6, we saw a white horse come when the first seal was opened. This turned out to be the Antichrist who mimics Jesus in every way, but not in hopes to love and protect them, but to deceive and destroy them. The rider of this white horse is called Faithful and True because He is who He says He is. -The first time Jesus came in love to seek and save the lost, but this time he comes in righteous judgment and wages war. All of these passages point to the sad conclusion that in the day of judgment it is too late for men to expect the mercy of God. There is nothing more inflexible than divine judgment where grace has been spurned. The scene of awful judgment which comes from this background is in flat contradiction of the modern point of view that God is dominated entirely by His attribute of love.” (John Walvrood) -The wars which he wages are from no principle of ambition, lust of power, or extension of conquest and dominion; they are righteous in their principle and in their object. And this is perhaps what no earthly potentate could ever say.” (Adam Clarke) Revelation 19:12 - His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. -Why are they like flames of fire? Why, first, to discern the secrets of all hearts. There are no secrets here that Christ does not see. There is no lewd thought, there is no unbelieving skepticism, that Christ does not read. There is no hypocrisy, no formalism, no deceit, that he does not scan as easily as a man reads a page in a book. His eyes are like a flame of fire to read us through and through, and know us to our inmost soul.” (Charles Spurgeon) -Jesus first wore a crown of thorns, but now will wear a kings crown. The Greek word used here for crown is “diadema” whichs means a crown of royalty and authority. The fact that there are many means that He is who He says He is, the King of Kings. -The name that he has written on him nobody knows and may never know. This may stand for the fact that nobody can fully understand or comprehend God but himself. Only He is infinite and all powerful and all knowing. To say that we can fully understand who He is makes our image of him larger than God himself. He is more than we could ever fathom and it would literally take an eternity just to get to know Him. Revelation 19:13 - He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. -Read Isaiah 63:1-6. The blood on His robe is that of His enemies as the verses in Isaiah prophecy what is described here in verse 15. -Read John 1:1. Is there any doubt that Jesus is God Almighty. Revelation 19:14 - The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. -Read Jude 14-15 and Revelation 17:4. The massive army will be a mixture of the redeemed and heavenly angels. “There is no mention of any kind of armor or weapon for any soldier in the great army that follows Jesus. The only armor or weapon they have is the only one they need: clothed in fine linen, fine and clean.” (David Guzik) To be washed by the blood of the Lamb from all iniquity is all we need as he is our strength and all powerful. Revelation 19:15 - Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. -Read Ephesians 6:17. God’s word is all that is needed when it comes to carrying out judgment. He spoke the universe and everything in it into existence, so He can certainly carry out His wrath and destroy the opposition by using just His words. Read John 18:3-6 for a very small example of the power of the words of Jesus. -Read Psalms 2:9. “Things will change during the Millennium. Jesus will rule them with a rod of iron. He will establish a strong set of standards and require everyone to live by them. Crime and unfaithfulness will not be tolerated. There will be no deception, no lies, no murder, no crime, no war. God’s brand of righteousness will prevail for a thousand years. Knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth, and Jesus will finally get the worship he so richly deserves.” (The Book of Revelation: the Smart Guide to the Bible series) Revelation 19:16 - On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: king of kings and lord of lords. -King of Kings and Lord of Lords will be on his robe and thigh where it will be easily visible while riding on a horse, and he comes to displace every king, leader, and government existing on this earth. It does not mean the leavening of existing governments with Christian principles, the spiritual conversion of countries and empires, leaving them in existence, and simply Christianizing them so as to exhibit something of Christs spirit in their administrations; but the total displacement of all this worlds sovereigns and governments, the taking of all dominion and authority out of their hands and putting it in the hands of Christ, as the true and only King of the world.” (Joseph Seiss)
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 02:08:39 +0000

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