Here is what most people just miserably fail to understand. Brace - TopicsExpress


Here is what most people just miserably fail to understand. Brace yourselves, this is going to be a long rant. I dont care if you read it or not. . Freedom is a complete lifestyle change. It is uncomfortable, uneasy, and sometimes miserable. You have no access to credit, a drivers license, welfare, food stamps, public school, health insurance, car insurance, retirement, social security, tax returns, and so on. Those are all criminal activities. Most people who think they are free, or have rights are incorrect. You have benefits and priviliges granted to you by a de facto government. Now, if you are free, you live under strict liability, which is the opposite of limited liability. God, or the universe intended man to live under the former. This was so man would be responsible for himself and his family. Yet, 99.9% of us actually are not. When you do business with government, you surrender your righs! To these ends, a free man will likely suffer. A free man will likely be a loner, who is broke and constantly going to battle with the courts. He will often find himself hungry and struggling to find himself work through private contracts. Thats the truth. But what could be more beautiful and righteous, than a man or woman who is truly free, seperated from the chains of the USA, and makes his OWN way? Ungrip, and know your soul belongs to you. Let those who wish to be subjugated have a false sense of freedom, for one day they will wake up and realize they have been duped, and on the losing end of the worlds largest ponzi scheme. I choose miserable freedom over comfortable servitude..
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 02:01:38 +0000

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