Here we go again. I went to emergency room last night. Body was - TopicsExpress


Here we go again. I went to emergency room last night. Body was very weak, had the hot and cold spells, shakes, body in pain. I felt really bad. My first stop was the check in nurse. She said, So what bring you in this evening (exact words) I told her why Im not feeling well. The second stop they put me in a room. A technician ask me So what bring you in this evening. (exact words as the check in nurse) I told him the same information I told the check in nurse. (Please keep reading it get very interesting in a dangerous way) The third nurse enter the room and said. So what bring you in here this evening. I told her what I told the other 2 people. Im sitting on the bed waiting for the Doctor. I said to myself when he come in I hope he does not ask me the same question that I had already repeated three times ( here is the dangerous part) Dr. Chen come into the room. You got it he ask the same question the other 3 individuals did. I said you did not read my chart. He game me this blank face and said something to the affect that when information is pass down it get twisted so he wanted to here it from me. That was not the issue. I have a chronic disease and you as a doctor show know that. He issue the large bag of saline. I told the nurse my heart cannot take all that fluid. So the doctor decrease it to half. If he would have read my chart history he would have known. Then he issue 4 different types of meds. All was not familiar to me. So I ask the nurse what are those meds. I said, no they are not for me. you guess it. The doctor cross my file with another patient. He give me a prescription. I took it to my pharmacy and it was the wrong prescription. If he would have taken the time to view my history this would not have happen. PPCM survivors please always ask what are the meds and why they are being given them to you. Know your meds. If you want to make sure the new meds will not have a negative interaction with the heart meds you are on go to your pharmacy and they will tell you if the meds interact with other heart meds you are on. Never trust the medical field including nurses and doctors. Anner.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 19:22:25 +0000

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