Here we go again, the deluge of political advertisements have - TopicsExpress


Here we go again, the deluge of political advertisements have begun to hit the airwaves with the Susanna Martinez campaign ad for Governor, which is airing this week. It is funny, she claims to support New Mexico and its citizens, but I wonder if this is true or just political rhetoric. Recently, figures were released claiming that New Mexico’s economic development is last in the nation, but is that a surprise? No, not really. If our leaders continue to do what has been done in the past, then, they will continue to get the same results. Our leaders like Governor Martinez have pushed for more economic development during this past legislative session, as did Mayor Berry during his 2013 mayoral campaign. However, their actions do not match their political promises. Take for instance the card I received in the mail last month to renew my dog’s pet license, but in order to make the payment; I had to send it to a Texas address. Yesterday, my wife got her New Mexico driver license renewal card, but the funny thing is that it had a post mark of Nevada. This tells me that our leaders and their administrations are contracting with firms or companies outside of New Mexico. I do not claim to be an expert in economic development or job creation, but I do have a financial and economic background. If you thought about it, just a little, would it not be better to keep New Mexico’s dollars in New Mexico? Also, you would think that our state’s leader in economic development, John Barela, Secretary for Economic Development would advocate that our government entities contract with New Mexico firms and companies? I am sure New Mexico has the talent to send out renewal notices or the ability to collect fees for our pet licenses, along with many more services. Governor Martinez and Mayor Berry, if we are contracting for services outside of New Mexico, how do you expect to boost economic development and create jobs? It would be great if New Mexico were able to get Tesla to build their battery plant here, but the chances are twenty-five percent at best and New Mexico will most likely have to promise an arm and a leg to get Tesla here. Even if we get Tesla, this is just a drop in the bucket. Governor Martinez and Mayor Berry, your words should match the actions of you and your administrations. Also, Governor, with New Mexico being last in economic development and having almost a full term to grow the economy, it is time to give your Economic Development Secretary a pink slip.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 00:53:36 +0000

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