Heres a great interview COA recently had the pleasure to - TopicsExpress


Heres a great interview COA recently had the pleasure to participate in : How was the band formed? COA was formed out of a simple desire to start recording and cataloging piano melodies in my down time. Once I realized that some of these melodies may have sounded better coming from a different instrument, I started experimenting with different DAWs and that quickly led on to multi-layered tracks. I started to realize that making music was therapeutic to me, it gave me an outlet, and in the age of electronic composition where you dont have to run out and buy thousands of dollars worth of traditional instruments or equipment, the possibilities were endless. I put a name to this brand of mine and started uploading my music to the internet. Can you tell about your band? I mostly consider COA to be an experimental entity. All of the music is strictly instrumental and very mood-based. I dont like to create especially, put it in a box and present it in a way that gives the listener no room to come up with their own ideas, thoughts, or even visuals. The music is there for anyone to listen to and interpret as they see fit. This is why I dont use lyrics, I strive to create new sounds, and I do not show my face. Lyrics direct the listener to understand what message the artist is trying to send, but I enjoy creating music (with semi-vague titles) that allows the audience to fill in their own personal interpretation. Where are all band members from?/Who does what in the band? I grew in and around Knoxville, Tennessee. Most of my childhood was spent in a town that is now known as Rocky Top, TN. The area is made up mostly of churches, run-down gas stations and mom & pop businesses. I am the only person that creates the music, and for the most part I create all visual media associated with COA, however from time to time I will seek out and utilize other visual artist/videographers to collaborate with. What was the ambitions of the band when you started? I did not go about it expecting riches and fame. My only real ambition was to share new music and utilize COA as an emotional outlet. The marketing aspect of it all can become monotonous at times (even if youre giving something away for free) but the most important thing is that I enjoy creating, and I put that fact above all else. Could you explain your music to someone that havent heard you? The music is designed for you to engage it as a soundtrack for anything that you see fit. The sounds are different, the mood will change, but do not expect to be able to easily classify it with a general genre. Where was your first gig? Nothing official to speak of as of yet. Ive allowed people to use the music with various individual projects, but I could not present COA as a live act until I have the resources needed to do more than simply play music on a stage. It would have to be an immersive visual experience as well. Half-assing will not do. Who writes your songs?/ who writes the music who writes lyrics? I am the sole member. Whats good/bad with the band?/What genre do you feel you are? A pro of COA is that it is not controlled by any greedy asshats or by any artist that either does not produce their own music or write their own lyrics. (This tends to be a growing trend by major recording artists/bands). I suppose a con of COA would be that because I am only one person and have to keep up with other aspects of life (family, work, etc), I cannot always effectively market the project and introduce it on a mass level. Because of the underground nature, COA is usually discovered through genre-matching services like internet radio and word-of-mouth. First and foremost, COA is instrumental. It is almost entirely electronic with sub-tones of industrial, ambient, and trance. Why did you pick that particular style?/What are your songs about? Well theres no certain style, really, but I tend to stay with a darker tone throughout. I may be more oriented in this direction because I think that these emotional tones are worth exploring more on a personal level. It provides a certain level of conflict that is useful to assess. The tracks are mostly titled in a vague manner to allow the listener to decide for themselves what they are about and what they take from the music on their own personal level. Do you write your own material or mainly covers? So far, everything that has been officially released are original compositions. Have you made any albums?/If yes what are they? Codes of Ashes (2011) Note: The downloadable versions on the internet are extremely distorted due to a transfer error by 301Studios. Era Origin : Decoded (Remix EP - Various Artists) (2012) Light (Single) (2013) The Last Tranquility (2014) Do you have any clips on YouTube? youtube/codesofashes How old are you?/What got you started in music? I am 28. I got started in music as a child when I used to sneak into the school gymnasium after class and play a few keys on the piano that was kept in the back. I loved the simplicity of the instrument and how just one subtle note could inspire unlimited possibilities. What year was the band started? 2010 Witch band is the best you´ve seen? I believe the greatest band I have seen play live due to the quality of musicianship, the visual experience, and the extreme attention to detail would be Nine Inch Nails. How big crowds do you usually play for? My fiance, my daughter, and my dog. (they dont tip) What are the plans for the rest of the year? Nothing much for 2014 except spending time with my new family. As for 2015...possibly a new album along with a hopeful side project with a good friend and a great producer. What are your goals with your music? To make you angry, to make you sad, to make you calm, and to make you tap your feet. When did you decide to go all in for the music? When I realized how much I enjoyed it. Is it easier to get your inspiration from older bands or from bands more modern? I think its the same both ways, really. I enjoy a very wide range of artists, but every musician in one way or another is inspired by another artist. David Bowie, for instance, was a pioneer in alot of ways and there have been many artists that have been inspired by him, but yet not all of those artists may belong in the same genre, and thats ok. Thats the beauty of inspiration: that it branches out to others in different ways. I get inspiration from alot of artists both old and new and both are just as equally effective. What are your sources of inspiration? I can tell you that I grew up listening to alot of oldies like Pink Floyd, The Cure, David Bowie, etc, but I had my stages. I had a time where I listened to alot of disco, another time where I listened to rap and hip hop, but I mostly listened to rock in my younger years. Nowadays, my music libraries are a melting pot of electronic/beat-oriented music, Industrial, 1980s new wave, soundtrack scores and even a good serving of Celtic bagpipes and drums. Otherwise, once in a while, I will find inspiration from everyday sounds. One time, I was working at a hospital and walked by an industrial HVAC unit and noticed a peculiar sound as it started up. It was an interesting mix of what sounded like a long groan, and a distorted, strained screaming that gradually raised its pitch. I stopped what I was doing and for the next few minutes while standing there and staring at large air-conditioner, I wondered how I could replicate the sound and what melody could emerge from it. Whats the first step when making a new song? Decide what you want to address for yourself (or others), musically. Do you want to get the point across immediately, or do you want to build up to it? Decide that, then allow your ideas to flow. How do you feel about the downloading of music instead of buying albums? I think its great to have immediate access to the music you want to listen to, but for me, I have always enjoyed getting the full package. For records and CDs, I love being a collector and building that physical library of all my favorite artists, and I love seeing the artwork of the cover or within the pamphlet in the case. Also, a digital file cant give you that newly bought smell. Most of the time, I purchase both the digital and the physical album. What would be your dreams for the band? Id really love to hear COA tracks in feature films. What do you hold most dear? My daughter. What would be your greatest fears for the future? That the world continues to be governed by imbeciles. Have you been part of any other projects? I have contributed some music for a few short films. There are a few remixes I have done for other songs floating around on the net, and there was a haunted hotel attraction I composed music and sound effects for prior to the creation of Codes of Ashes. Have you been in any other bands? I am currently in a start up phase for a new project with a good friend. What do you work with outside of the band and the music? All I can really say is that I do work for a living. What would you do if there was no music? More than likely, I would be concentrated in visual arts. How important are your fans? Because I purposely keep my distance from being known by any one specific genre, I never expect everyone that listens to take to it and just purchase all my music, but I will tell you that any and every time I receive a compliment, it is extremely humbling. An artist is nothing without an audience and their appreciation is worth every single day I spend creating something. Whats the funniest/most memorable thing a fan has done for you? Within the realms of COA, I put myself in the background and make sure the project serves as its own entity. Because of this, not everyone is aware of my name, nor what I look like. A few years back, I happened to realize that a fan was nearly convinced that I was actually another artist (who I happen to admire) hiding his identity behind a new project. That was the most humbling thing I have heard to date. Name 2 of your own songs you like at the moment? At the moment, that would probably be There is Another Way and Dont Open Your Eyes, Dont Make a Sound. What drives a band that isnt all that famous and renowned to try to make a living on their music and to keep playing? Sheer commitment. Do you have any webpages? soundcloud/codes-of-ashes facebook/codesofashes youtube/codesofashes codesofashes.bandcamp twitter (@codesofashes) Any pearls of wisdom for all other bands out there? Even if its unpopular, BE original. Otherwise, youre just another non creative asshole. How do you view the music industry of today? A catch-22. You can get lucky and sign with a major label (lose most of your rights), or you can retain full creative control with an independent label or just as an individual and accept that you will probably not make nearly as much money. (unless youre already a popular and well established artist) How would you describe your sound in one sentence? Music inspired from the emotions of thoughts, ideas, memories, daydreams and nightmares.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:51:14 +0000

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