Hey Folks! I had a thought (well, many of them). Im a reader. I - TopicsExpress


Hey Folks! I had a thought (well, many of them). Im a reader. I also burn up more information on a daily basis than some because I primarily work for myself, been at this for most of my life and am in process this last year of re-locating. That bit of weirdness (laughs) can come later, and doesnt apply here though. I dont want to be construed as self promoting- please understand this is not anywhere near something like that. See, Ive noticed alot of folk here who are at what I call, various stages of development. This applies to our current chosen group theme here, re-wilding. first order of business, we are capable of learning from day one and have an unlimited storage capacity for doing so. People are exploring options/alternatives, some on the surface just seem intrigued or just want to be entertained. Others have such a strong desire to dive right in because its what they feel is right, and act upon it. Some have been at this for a very long time and feel the need to reach out, like myself. Deep thought will lead most to the conclusion that something isnt right these days and may or may not understand why- its our own mechanism for survival tugging at us to explore, to learn. We dont need to soap box the sorry state of human culture these days. The rest of the media can bombard us with that and thats why our (laughs again) little inner wildling draws us into hidey holes such as this. If youve managed to follow so far, great. Im a writer and talker, and that will have bearing later too. Point Blank: I have a number of abilities that include web design, graphic arts, web programming, computer technology, and the sort. I also have web sites I run and manage that pertain to various things I do. One of them (drum roll) is sort of my own exploration of human nature. All good stuff. What I thought about doing on my own long before deciding to get a little more than involved with media topics like Live free or Die, Life Below Zero, and (laughs yet again) Mick Dodge was to start putting together a place folk can contribute to, learn from and just plain old have a good time. Thats where the website came into play- its an easy way to put all this knowledge together. Im involved in so many facets of the human condition it can make your head spin. Maybe my inner beast is just wanting to share all this in the hopes it catches on. People like Thorn, Tony & Amelia, Colbert, Gabriel, etc. arent unique in the grand scheme of things, except they are doing it- and theres many more out there. I grew up in most of these scenarios, and have lived within them from time to time myself. I keep coming back to it because it feels right. I have the ability to setup/add to/modify work Ive done in the form of a website that can host teachers, students, and just plain folk wanting to have a fireside chat about these things. The big draw (and what I hope peaks some interest) is anyone can be a teacher- some here have already demonstrated willingness to share their knowledge. The software involved is easy to use (I can/will re-design it and make damn sure its easy, thats what I do) and heres the fun part: Free. No if and or buts about it, free. I already own and run the sites, their fees are mine to bear because I do all these other things anyways. Ive had these ideas for quite sometime now and after a HD crash awhile back, had to get busy and redo it all over anyways, so the thing is fresh for me. Im willing to help people through the parts of learning to contribute. Some preliminary things up front. I wont succumb to the draw to put advertising on the site, so at the start please diminish and eradicate the thought that I want the site to generate income. By design its a sharing site. I had in its original incarnation, a few hundred publications (ebook form) on practically every aspect of homesteading, wilderness living, etc that you could think of. A few years of articles on varying subjects, and of course discussion areas set for folk to partake in. Ive been slowly putting it all back together (the other things I do are taking precedence, and youd understand why Im sure) and came to the conclusion that its a waste if I dont involve others to USE it. Someone mentioned itd be cool if someone had classes, put up learning materials and can offer advice and experience for those wanting it. Thanks whoever did, because it smacked me like Amelia should Tony to push the wheelbarrow. :) Well, we can do that, and I just thought Id throw this out there, in the hopes some might want to give it a go and build something we can all benefit from. I have the toys, alot of knowledge and experience, and am willing to do this if others are inspired to come aboard to USE it. I;ll tidy up a bit over the next day or so if people are interested, and by all means ASK questions. Nobody, including myself wants to waste time or leave wondering/have reservations. Sorry for such a long post, but I think its an important one that hopefully, folk can benefit from. -Fen
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 12:25:37 +0000

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