Hey Team, Todays post was inspired by a universe ;) Fear - TopicsExpress


Hey Team, Todays post was inspired by a universe ;) Fear come at me and match me In order to achieve your goals you must set it and become the person who has it, in becoming the person you develop the characteristics that are required in owning that reality. i.e. A goal to create financial independance may currently be unachievable to a person and their reality for right now behaviours like spending money on things spontaneously, a lack of budget and responsibillity are present. When the goal is set, the goal will be achieved when that person develops the abillity to withstand the pressure of a budget, instant gratification and responsibillity. Simply saying become the person who has the reality is misleading it fails to describe the full weight of the situation. The catch is that the reason why you arent the person who has it already is that if you knew what you needed to become to have it, you would by definition have it already, for knowing is believing and believing is having. Where do you find what you need to become, In your Fears, You fear what you do not know, it is what you do not know that you need to achieve your goals. When you find a fear face it for in the fear you will find freedom, fear is an idea unrealized. Fear is love finding a way. Imagine Jumping in the deep end...literally To the degree you are unconfident in your abillity to swim you will fear the water, you will be looking at it questioning your abillity to swim. You do not become any better at swimming by looking at the water, you do not believe any more that you can swim by never jumping in. The water is your FEAR, you can either look at your fear every day scared of falling in. Or you can jump in and see how real your fear is. Georgia the fear jumper. One day there was a girl called georgia she feared water, she would be terrified of it, ever day she had to walk across a rope bridge to get to school, each day her heart would race as she crossed the bridge, she would tell her self its ok, it;s ok, its ok as she would cross the bridge, however no matter how many times she said it her heart would race. Georgia had a book she would write in everyday, she would draw her dreams and goals in life in the book, it had a step by step process for getting the life she wanted. One day Georgia was crossing the rope bridge, as she was walking a sudden wind blew her hair in her face, as her hair crossed her face her foot slipped as she slipped she grabbed the bridge and safely secured herself, then...Plonk, something hit the water, Georgias heart sunk she knew it was her book, Georgia looked down to see her hopes and dreams floating down the river, she felt a fear greatter than any experienced before, the fear of never having her hopes and dreams if she didnt jump into her fears, into the water. Georgia jumps, her heart is racing,SPLASH now shes in the water her arms are splashing everywhere, shes going under the water losing her breath, then she sees her book, she thinks I must get to that book no matter what it takes, this water will not beat me. Now that she is in the water in her fear, she thinks what must I do to reach my goals and dreams, she learns that if she moves her legs and arms in a certain a way she can swim, she can reach her book, Georgia in the least graceful fashion swims to her book and grabs it, when she does she feels an abosolute sense of achievement, confident that she can ahcieve anything. From this day forward Georgia believes in her fears she will find her freedom, in her fears she grows. Georgia becomes a Fear Jumper, anytime she feels uncomfortable or affraid she jumps off that bridge and learns how to swim, with every experience, every fear she conquers she learns and becomes closer and closer to becoming the person who can have what ever she wants for nothing will stop her, not even her self. Find a dream worth drowning for and learn to swim Fear come at me and match me, Cahoon youtube/watch?v=-aDc7wCh-yY
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 00:14:40 +0000

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