Hey dere, friends! Time for me to say nitey-nite! Im exhausted!! - TopicsExpress


Hey dere, friends! Time for me to say nitey-nite! Im exhausted!! All dat worryin about da weather today jus wore me out!! Im so thankful dat were okay an it looks like all my friends are okay, too! It sure was scary for a while, tho! We were watchin tv when dey broke in an told everyone about da ist tornado in central Illinois. Den dey kept breakin in as da tornado was movin notheast. At first, it looked like it was gonna go north of us an hit right in da middle if Chicago, den dey said it was headin right for us! All of a sudden, da tornado siren was goin off an we had a tornado warnin! We were sooooo lucky, tho. Da storm started to weaken da closer it got to us. No tornado, but lots of wind an rain. We got an inch of rain in about 15 minutes!! About a half an hour after da storm, da sun was shinin! An den da wind REALLY started! We had gusts almost 60 mph!! It even blew a piece of sidin off da house! But like Aunt Cinny said, if dats da worst were gonna get, were blessed. Well, how was your day? BOL!! I know some of my friends were in dese storms, too. Ive heard from a lot of you dat youre okay an Im so glad!! I hope you didnt have any damage to your homes an dat your families are all okay. I feel so bad for da poor people in Illinois. Were watchin da news right now an deres so much destruction an so many people hurt. Some even lost dere lives. Aunt Cinny said once again, God was watchin out for us. Hey! GUess what? Remember I told you dat Aunt Cinny was hopin to get some of da leaves from our neighbor across da street? She told Aunt Cinny dat she could have as many as she wanted!! She had 12 recyclin bags filled with leaves in front of her house! Ya know how many Aunt Cinny took? Yep, she took all 12!! BOL!! She put dem all on da patio an shes gonna dump dem in da backyard so dey can dry out before she mulches dem. Geez, da way she was actin, youd think she won da lottery!! She says dat leaves are as precious as gold to her! Yeah, she can be kinda strange sometimes!! An would you believe dat after havin winds as strong as 60 mph, deres STILL leaves on da trees??? Boy, talk about stubborn!! I hope WE ALL have a quiet an peaceful nite. Seep good! Thank you all so very much for bein my friends. An thank you for da prayers an wuv today. I think it helped! I wuv you all very much!!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 04:22:57 +0000

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