Hey its my episode 112 scene !! ;) Michael got his promotion. - TopicsExpress


Hey its my episode 112 scene !! ;) Michael got his promotion. Amanda and Emmalin just learned the news in the family room. These are back quickly. Emmalin wants to know why her sister reacts the way with this new. She came to sit on the bed Amanda. E: Amanda, something wrong? A: No, everything is fine. Look, its great for dad, he deserves this promotion but for us? Its going to be horror. S: No, we just need to do a bit more attention than usual. Our friends still our friends, we keep our activities and does not overflow. A: We can not play anything ... E: So on that but if paying attention. Mom and Dad loves us, it is very important to them. A: Normal it is their little sister girls. E: I know but I think they were happy to have us. A: I talked with mom once. I know that for me was unexpected. Mom told me that she had talked to dad, to have children, but they had not expected her to happen so soon. E: Its weird to think of it, their desire to have us, and Id like to know how they feel when we were babies. A: Mom told me that initially she was lost to me. Life in the army was all new to her, living on a base was new, was married again and also having a baby and becoming a mother was all new. She was afraid. But according to her, I helped to grow and acclimate quickly. C: So girls, you still do not sleep? E: No, Amanda spoke to me of you and Dad, when you wanted to have children. C: You speak of our discussion to your sister Amanda? A: Not entirely, we just said that you love us so much and it was important to you. C: Of course we love you more than anything, and you are more important to an us, and even if your father does not say he is worried about you and this is his way of you protect. When you come into the world, he was the happiest of men. I remember seeing him cry. A: Dad, cry? Claudia nodded. She remembered each birth of his daughters that were different for each of them but full of emotions. C: You love it and it would not be a soldier, it would be very tender and loving with you. His job was to prevent power being 100% every day, every minute of your life and I know he suffered a lot. E: Amanda told me that you did not expect you to have it. Claudia felt that the conversation with her daughters last long. So she sat down at their sides. C: That is true. I remember a conversation where you talked about having children. We immediately decided that we would have two. But we also understand that our life in the army was new and we still needed to acclimate each but together in this life there. Except that the life we give happiness to become parents sooner than expected. Claudia smiled at her daughters. This moment or she learned she was pregnant. Intense that Michael had shared with her joy. Michael also had to go upstairs and heard a part of the conversation. He smiled back, his moments the refilled emotion. Their room to himself and Claudia lying next to that of Amanda, he stationed himself at the door of their own and listened to the rest of the conversation. E: You were pleased to welcome Amanda. C: Pleased ? We were in heaven, was wonderful, we were parents. Happiness there is no price. Claudia felt her eyes moistened and intonation of his voice changed. Michael joined her under the surprised eyes of their daughters. He wanted to take in the conversation, to understand certain things to his daughters and improve the situation, especially with Amanda. And he thought that was a good time. He sat next to Claudia, and kissed her on the hair, to support, to comfort her. M: Learning that you will become parents, there is no greater feeling in the world. E: Its hard to imagine with Amanda ... because our lives so evolve. C: This is normal, our lives evolve with grades that your father took over the years. But initially we were like all young married couples with us ups and downs. A: You are a role model for many on the base. I understand why. You built pretty things. But it feels differently. M: Yes for children, parents are stupid and never understand anything in the life of their children. A: We do not want to reproduce exactly the same thing and we aspire to something else. M: I know, and it was well understood but with your mother we always promised that when a problem occurs, you should talk to solve it and not let sit silent anger. And we would like that to be with you. C: Just that if something happens, were here for you, listen to you, guide you, give you our opinion, even if you have other choices. E: Itsve ever separate you? M: Yes once. We had to develop some things in order to continue our life as today. C: Now its late girls. Its time to sleep. E: I do not want to know, the rest does not concern us, threw Emmalin with a laugh. This last part bathing, while Michael and Claudia wished a good night to Amanda. Michael and Claudia took their shower and noticed that Emmalin returned to his room. Michael went to wish her a good night. When he returned, Claudia came out of the bathroom. She went to turn goodnight to her second daughter. C: Good night my dear. E: Thank you mom too. C: Do not turn off too late. E: Mom, tell me, Id ask you a question. C: Tell me sweetie. E: You were happy to accommodate me? C: The happiest, and your sister was so happy to finally be a big sister. E: It is true that dad you separated? C: Yes. The only time where I knew I could not make my life with someone other than him, and also in the army. E: Why? C: From memory, we had just moved and your sister did not react well to this sudden change. It had begun to adapt to the new database, the new house. And your father came home one evening and told me that we had to move again. I got angry for several reasons and it became worse and worse. We decided to split a week. His was the longest week of my life, while your father was deployed much longer. But we were separated and we were angry and I struggled to stand. E: Its hard to imagine you angry. C: Because now we are talking about before yelling, we try to understand and even if there is a small crisis, we always ended up not resume dialogue and everything ends well. E: And thats what you did that time? C: Yes, but we were young and unable to formulate our thoughts, then we ended up in a hotel without Amanda, and for two days it was yelled. Its not getting things done. But the third day it was said that he had to say things. Was hurt, but we were able to explain and confide things that were unknown to happen between us. Its made us move, grow and has never left. And I knew a few days after I was pregnant with you. Had a wonderful day. E: If you were not reconciled to you, I will not be there. C: No, its true, but youre here and we love you so much darling. E: I know. I also love you very much mom. C: Its time to sleep now. Have a nice night treasure. Claudia out of her daughters room and paused. This past was part of a beautiful once lived with Michael. And she felt these emotions she could live in these moments. She went into the bedroom and Michael came out of the bathroom. M: Is everything okay? Claudia Michael nodded and took her in his arms. C: It did me good to talk with girls. Of our past, of their births. M: Me too. This kind of moments of complicity, I do not have much with them so nothing can make them happier. C: We built a beautiful life Michael, and we have two wonderful daughters so. M: Im proud to be their father, and proud that youre their mother. C: I am proud of our life and I regret nothing. M: Fortunately for me. This sentence drew a laugh Claudia, who looked up at Michael. C: I love you. M: Me too. They kissed tenderly, and then went to bed and fell asleep quickly.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 21:40:26 +0000

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