Hi Dancers Why a Basis workshop? I fell in love with the - TopicsExpress


Hi Dancers Why a Basis workshop? I fell in love with the practice even though I didnt understand what it was about, I was feeling just like finally I could dance (Yeah!!!) However I also felt confused when I listened to the teachers giving instructions, talking about maps, waves, staccato ( I am not a musician, so it was the first time I heard this word ). I attended lots of classes and in many of the classes i was just copying what others dancers were doing - if they jumped I jumped, if they laughed I laughed, if they cried…I ran some peoples reactions on the dance floor made me feel anxious or scared as did my own reactions during and after the classes. I tried workshops but many workshops said the same thing you need to have 20 -or more- hours of practice I knew there was something for me in the practice but still I was not able to see it for myself,…I only trust in practices that I can use in my daily life, practices that help me to improve myself, to see things differently, to realise hidden things …I love and trust in practices that i can feel alive in.... I started to look in Google, you tube, bought books, asked the dancers how they lived the practice, asked myself what each rhythm meant for me….and tried to bring all of them to my daily life , trying to recognise when I was a Chaotic situation and how to be creative to resolve problems, how to flow with situations that I realised i couldnt change, how to let myself go ( and let the things go) in lyrical and how to surrender to the sadness of my own stillness, how to say a gentle NO and a fiery YES. many times I surprised myself asking : how would I dance this problem? How would I move with this? How would it be to dance with it? Then magically I start to see how to bring the practice in to my life, feel the rhythms in any situation and leave in every class the last drop of sweat to feel relieved and free! I am so glad Jane is such a curious teacher and wants to hold the space for many of you who are also curious and ( like me) maybe quite lost More info: 5rhythms-janebelshaw
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 11:51:16 +0000

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