Hi, I’m Maddy Barone, author of the After the Crash series, and - TopicsExpress


Hi, I’m Maddy Barone, author of the After the Crash series, and I’m thrilled to be taking part in this party! Thanks, Paige Tyler, for inviting me! It’s hard to stick one label on my series, since it could be time travel, shifter, dystopian... A plane takes off in 2014 and crashes in 2064, where the survivors learn that 1) Nuclear war has destroyed the world they grew up in 2) Women are few and worth their weight in gold and 3) werewolves are more than mere legend and they want mates. The prize I’m offering is a $10.00 Amazon gift card, and a free download of the first book in the series, Sleeping With the Wolf, in the e-format of the winner’s choice *or*a coupon for the audiobook from Audible. That’s confusing, so let me re-phrase. The winner will receive my book in either digital format or audio format, and a $10 gift card to Amazon. Here’s the blurb for Sleeping With the Wolf: Carla is an up and coming country music star when she boards a plane for Denver in the year 2014. After the plane crashes in the year 2064 she learns that nuclear war destroyed technology and unleashed a plague that devastated the female population. Even now, decades after the plague has dwindled to isolated outbreaks, women are precious commodities to be fought for, and Carla finds herself offered as the prize in a Bride Fight. Alpha wolf Taye knows Carla is his mate. Losing her is unacceptable. He wins the Bride Fight. But can he win her heart? Excerpt from Chapter 1, just before the Bride Fight begins: “Ma’am?” A low, deep voice made her jump. It was Taye Wolfe, standing just below the balcony. Carla realized that he was a handsome man, with thick shiny black hair cut neatly at his nape, but long enough to fall into his eyes in front. His eyes were dark too, with surprisingly long lashes, under elegantly curved black brows. And he was younger than she had thought, maybe only twenty-three or twenty-four. His mouth was full and soft, a contrast to the hard angle of his jaw, and a hint of a dimple showed at the corner of his mouth. “Ma’am,” he said again. “I heard that you are from the Times Before, and you don’t want to be here. Is that so?” Maybe it was her love of putting sounds together to create music that made his deep voice so attractive to her. It gave her shivers. She leaned over the balcony, holding her long walnut brown hair back so it wouldn’t fall past the railing. “Yes! I need to go back to the plane! People are dying!” She looked around and noticed several of the other fighters scowling at Taye. She lowered her voice. “Can you help me get away?” “No, ma’am.” His teeth were very white in his brown face when he smiled at her. “I plan to win this fight and marry you. But I want you to know that I’ll always take good care of you. I don’t know you yet, but I hope we’ll love each other someday. Until then I can promise you respect and gentleness.” He nodded once and walked away, leaving her gaping after him. He paused and turned back. “And I think I should tell you that I’ve read a bunch of those romance novels from the Times Before, and I know what a woman likes. I promise you’ll be satisfied in our bed.” Carla yelled after him, Are you crazy? You can learn more at my website: MaddyBarone and connect with me at Facebook/authorMaddyBarone How do you feel about virgin heroes? Yay or nay? My favorite is Judd Lauren from Nalini Singhs Caressed by Ice. How about you?
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 17:15:23 +0000

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