Hold on for dear life. Yes, I am talking to you. I know you are - TopicsExpress


Hold on for dear life. Yes, I am talking to you. I know you are hanging on by a single hair. Clinging to just a tiny thread that keeps you from falling into a dark pit. Sometimes I think I have a unique perspective on folks and life because of what I volunteer to do. I pray for you. I think that may give me an edge on the honest truth about what so many of you are facing each day, and to be honest its tough. Its surely not someplace anyone wants to be, but when it gets to the point where you are willing to step forward and ask to have prayer, you need to have faith. You are there. You have nowhere to turn. Nobody to hold your hand. And you feel like the breath is literally being squeezed out of you. But somewhere way down deep you hear that voice calling you. You may not believe in God (but thank God he believes in you)! But in your spirit you recognize He is there, so you ask me to bring to His attention that you are sinking fast. You ask me to join you in prayer So what I can tell you with a 100% accuracy? God is with you. he hears you and He will rescue you. Now His answer may not be exactly what you want, but He will protect you and give you what you need, not necessarily what you want. So take this to heart and know that this is the truth. The absolute bottom line truth. No matter how deep the abyss is that you have fallen in, or how powerfully awful the storms that surround you face feel, everything can change for the better in a day, a moment or an instant. Hold on and know that your current circumstances will pass. I can promise you that. I have the word of God who says I will never leave you nor forsake you. And thats the bottom line. So if you are at that lowest point, wipe those tears, take away that pain in your gut that is fear, and remove that knife from your heart. And remember, He told me to share this with you, so keep praying and be calm. It will be better. God love your heart.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 15:16:57 +0000

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