Honesty, The Legacy of Rabbi Meir Kahane As we approach the - TopicsExpress


Honesty, The Legacy of Rabbi Meir Kahane As we approach the 24th anniversary of the assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane it is especially painful to see how little we have learned from his life of sacrifice for his people and his country. Ahavat Yisrael, love of one’s fellow Jew, was central to everything he did. He traveled all over the world to speak to Jews about coming home to Israel and return to Jewish observance. He inspired me to do both. I daresay there are probably tens of thousands of Jews living in Israel that were motivated by this amazing man. He had boundless energy and was not afraid to stand up for what was right no matter what obstacles came in his way. He once said, “Absolute falsehood recognizes absolute truth and seeks to destroy it”. That could well have been his epitaph. He spoke absolute truth and the keepers of falsehood thought they could destroy it by eliminating its bearer. Of course they were wrong, but they took away a genuine Jewish hero who could have done so much more for us all. The B’nai Brith anti-defamation league came to Israel to launch a defamation campaign against Rabbi Kahane. They created a cliché, “Kahanism is racism.” Thus with a stroke of a pen they defamed a lone man of Truth. The Rabbi told me that once, as a member of Knesset, he introduced a law, which was thrown out and declared racist by the Knesset speaker, Shlomo Hillel. What the speaker probably didn’t know was the fact that every word in that proposal was taken from the Rambam! It was clear that Rabbi Kahane was a victim of the lowest form of defamation. Once you succeed in defaming the bearer of Truth, you also succeed in defaming Truth itself! It defies logic that our new President, Ruby Rivlen, in spite of all of the efforts on the part of our Arab enemies in Israel to destroy us, could declare that we are destined to live together in peace with them! How many murders does it take for us to understand the futility of such a stupid statement? Yet, as a result of declaring Kahanism as racism, our leadership really thinks that ridding ourselves of murderous enemies is an act of racism!! They insist upon treating every “terrorist” murder as an individual criminal act, rather than the act of war it really is. As such they condemn us to suffer again and again. All we lack today is honesty. The state of Israel was reborn as part of Biblical prophesy. We are not just another state. We are the Jewish People returning home and have no need to apologize to anyone for so doing. We owe the Arabs nothing and we have no reason to supply them with a new country on Jewish soil. How dare our leaders suggest such an outrage?!! There is nothing wrong with limiting citizenship in the Jewish State to Jews. It is actually perfectly logical to do so. When we tell Arabs that they are equal citizens we are denying our own identity. Survival is not an act of racism. Anyone who is honest can see what we have done to ourselves. Our “equal citizen” Arab Members of Knesset are working tirelessly to destroy the Jewish State from within. And we permit democracy to supersede our survival instinct. It hurts me to see graffiti with the slogan “Kahane was right”. Kahane was a pure Jew. He was an honest man who loved his people. And he tried with every bone in his body to simply open Jewish eyes. Our government is as myopic as ever. His steadfast honesty terrified those in power so much that, even after they arranged to make it illegal for him to run for office, they arranged his murder just to be sure. Honesty is the true legacy of Rabbi Kahane. And the best tribute we can give to him is to carry that torch and shine it in the face of the leaders of falsehood until they can no longer bear the pain of its light. I established Project Shofar to enable me to go out and speak to my fellow Jews about the need to come home. Unfortunately few are interested in the message. Perhaps it is too late to convince people. Even as we watch Islam beginning to take over so many countries, and its tentacles are beginning to choke America as well, Jews prefer to ignore it. Unlike in the 30’s we have a homeland today. Don’t wait until you have to escape. Come now with your head held high. The only real reason to come home is simply because you are a Jew. Project Shofar will send Gary anywhere there are Jews who want to hear his message. Should you wish to contact him to arrange to have him visit your area just send him an email at [email protected].
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 00:40:10 +0000

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