Hope You Are Not Waiting In Ignorance? Part 2 I dont want to - TopicsExpress


Hope You Are Not Waiting In Ignorance? Part 2 I dont want to dwell on this issue of Holy Spirit and His gift of tongue anymore, because it appears as if im forcing some people to believe what they dont believe, which I dont like. But the truth remains, no true believer can effectively please God and fulfil his/her purpose on earth without working with the Holy Spirit. For God is a spirit, and they that worship Him, MUST worship Him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:23-24). I wonder how you a physical human who dont believe in tongues, worship your God in spirit. ...out of thy belly shall flow rivers of living water (John 7:38). If you dont believe in the gift of the Holy Spirit, then when on earth shall this scripture be fulfilled in your life as a beliver? Also read Acts 2:38-39 and tell me what you understand. Waiting on God effectively requires your time, concentration, dedication, involvement as well as your sensitivity. You cant be waiting on God and you are not ready to give Him your time and concentration. If you dont give God a place in your life, then He wont give you the places you desire. Many people are so serious when it comes to their office jobs or business activities, they leave their houses very early in the morning to be at their places of work on time, but when it comes to church activities, they are relaxed. They sluggishly take their bath, rub their cream, dress up, make up, look at the mirror over 20times, before leaving the house. When they finally get to the church, they wont concentrate, but busy pressing their phones. During time for worship and prayer, they are not participating but watching others, checking them out - their wears, shoes, hair style and making comparison. Then after service, they just stroll home, dump their bible - Oh, service was fantastic whereas God did not receive their worship neither did they gain anything from Him. Is this how you worship and wait on God? Sorry you might be waiting in ignorance. How do you pray during the time you seek the face of God? How do you study your bible? Do you just speed read the bible like a novel or a piece of news paper without meditating on it? Reading and meditating are two different things, when you read without meditating on what you have read, you wont get what God is saying in those scriptures. Many of us are so good in praying this kind of prayer - die by fire, die and scather, all my enemies after my destiny be destroyed. Wait a minute, is it the enemy that God says we should love and pray for in Matthew 5:44 that we are praying for their death? And you want God to answer? Sorry, God can never contradict Himself, He wont kill them for your sake. These are the people His son died for. They can only die when the evil they plan backfires them. What will you gain if you kill your mother who is a witch? Is it her fault that the real enemy - the devil, entered inside of her and started manifesting? What if you were the one the devil entered and people started praying for your obituary, how will you feel when you are delivered? Waiting on God requires that you do things the right way and the right time. It requires that you pour out your heart to God daily. All those things that you need not the things you lust after, the things that are in His will. This is where the Holy Spirit helps, because, He knows the exact things you need better than you. And He know how to channel them unto God in the right way and manner. Praying for a life partner whereas you have somebody you are seeing, is a prayer of ignorance, because God is seeing that person as the partner you have choosen. Seeking the face of God for admission into Uninversity, whereas your plan is to be free from parents, so that you can flirt and paint the campus red and white - my dear, you are praying out of His will. Wanting to discover your purpose on earth, whereas you are still living in sin, is like weeding with razor. How far can you go? The prayer that brings a change, the prayer that reaches heaven instantly, are those from a genuine heart person not a hypocrite. A prayer from a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart. These sacrifices, God will not despise (Psalm 51:17). When you offer it to Him, He will find the best way to reach out to you or speak to you. And when you are sensitive enough, when He speaks, you will surely hear Him. To be sensitive to God, your dedication, concentration and involvement in the things of God, is highly needed. Those time we spend on television, outing, and some unneccessary things, if only we can utilise them for God, I dont have to tell you what will happen, just patiently try it for long, you will surely testify. Your Brother, Edebatu Emeke Love
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 05:16:31 +0000

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