Hope everyone is having a good morning?! Buddy is having a rough - TopicsExpress


Hope everyone is having a good morning?! Buddy is having a rough morning between her being a little tired because she didnt get much rest last night and she is a little crabby because her stomach is hurting her pretty bad :( so in praying for a quick turn around and a better rest of the day! Well I better get off of here we need to go to chop buddy has evaluation at PT so Ill update later on please keep those prayers coming and remember to comment and like to stay in the loop! Here is the link for hope for Jocelyn hoodies have a great day please pray for a decent day we needs one thanks for all the love And support and praying with us through the bad and good ill post a pic soon we have to go catch the bus! Here is the link to order the hoodies (https://booster/hopeforjocelyn98?share=4001410307129552) Also we gained a good amount of prayer warriors so I figured I will share Jocelyns story. Jocelyns journey began when she was born 3 months early, weighing in at only 1 pound 13 ounces. From the time she was born she has been a fighter, at only a couple hours old she had neck in her intestines and had to have half of her intestines and bowel removed. She spent the first 4 1/2 months of her life in the NICU at Bryn Mar Hospital getting intravenously fed and closely watched by many doctors. At the age of 2 Jocelyn was first diagnosed with pancreatic blastoma and underwent a 12 hour whipple procedure. She relapsed 5 times and now has tumors in the pancreas,liver, and brain. Jocelyn has went through chemotherapy, radiation, and surgeries to have the tumors removed. She has also developed blood clots and now is on a blood thinner and has to wear a garment on her arm. Jocelyn also has a straight j-tube she is fed through that for 20 hours a day and she also has a g-tube to decompress and vent her stomach she struggles with stomach pain daily as well she can only eat stuff that melts in her mouth due to aspirating and she doesnt have the enzymes in her body to break down and to digest food it just gets stuck in her esophagus and lays in her stomach and turns to bacteria and poisons her body thats why Jocelyn is 100% tube fed and her intestines dont work correctly as well as her stomach she also has something called refeeding syndrome as well as (IBS) is short for irritable bowel syndrome... Also if you are willing or interested on sending Jocelyn mail message me our address is in the about box if you have any other questions message me and I will answer! Thanks again we really appreciate everything !!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 12:50:01 +0000

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