House Speaker John Boehner has now forever entered the Halls of - TopicsExpress


House Speaker John Boehner has now forever entered the Halls of Infamy for being the face and the defacto leader of this radical band of traitors otherwise known as House Republicans; it will be his face and his name that will be forever mocked and scorned as the Face of Treason! He will go down in history as the Benedict Arnold of our time. If for whatever reason the demands of these House Republicans are met then any future aggrieved minority will feel empowered to thwart the will of the majority by taking the nation & its national interests hostage until their demands are met. This my friends with be the end of democracy, of majority rule which makes democracy possible, and with it the end of the United States itself for make no mistake, it will mean nothing less than an overthrow of our Constitution and a descent to mob rule. Therefore the choice before us is clear and that choice is one in which we must now choose between destroying the full faith and credit of the United States or destroying the United States itself. Unless these traitors surrender there is no third option. For the sake of America we must choose the former for make no mistake, America and the world will eventually recover; the Republican Party most certainly will not. Sending this nation into default will be a suicidal act for the GOP and if the price for its annihilation is a tanked national & global economy then so be it for as high as the price for such a default will be, it will be a price more than worth being paid in return for the political extinction of this hateful & thoroughly un-American of political parties. So stand with President Obama and say no to these traitors! Say no to their extortion! Say no to their sedition and say no to their blackmail! Call these traitors out for being the traitors that they are and spread the word far and wide that here in America treason will not stand! That we the people of these United States will ultimately prevail over these traitors within our midst and ensure in the words of President Abraham Lincoln that "government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the Earth!"
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 10:39:41 +0000

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