How I found out spiders dont like steam.. Decided to stand under a - TopicsExpress


How I found out spiders dont like steam.. Decided to stand under a nice hot shower for 5 minutes. Just starting to relax when the most enormous black many legged object dropped down in front of me, suspended from the ceiling from some form of invisible thread. Not sure if it was bungee jumping, committing suicide or just escaping from the choking steam, which by now was burning me on un-mentionable places, I made my mind up, very quickly, not to wait and find out. I didnt care how many legs this creature had, all I knew was that I was going to out-run it. The four minute mile record was beat in 5 seconds flat. Leaving the water running, by now the bathroom looked like a sauna, not even bothering with a towel, (could be why the cat ran like hell down the hall, not a pretty sight,) I shot out of the bathroom door closing it tight behind me. After a strong coffee and armed with a sweeping brush and a dustbin lid, (like I said it was enormous, at least 6 across the body and ten legs minimum,) I gently opened the door, crept in and turned off the shower. My only problem now is, where did it go? By the time the steam had gone so had the spider. Could be a long night waiting for it to appear, because there is no way am I going to bed, in the dark, with something like that waiting to attack. Am I a wimp? Be honest.........
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 21:01:32 +0000

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