How To Go Crazy As An Entrepreneur (In 10 Easy Steps): 1) - TopicsExpress


How To Go Crazy As An Entrepreneur (In 10 Easy Steps): 1) Decide one night while sipping on a fine can of Busch on the couch that its time to start making a living out of your passions. 2) Settle on ski building. Youre a carpenter after all, this is within your grasp 3) Remove everything from your spare bedroom and convert it into a ski manufacturing facility. Line it with whiteboards, work tables, and build a pneumatic ski press. Place it in the manufacturing facility. 4) Come to the conclusion that Busch is for the elitists and kids with trust funds. This is getting expensive. PBR tall boys now become your go to. 5) Buy a van and start camping out on the weekends to get the most of your R&D time. Try to find a fun way to look at the fact that 4 degree nights are miserable to sleep in. Laugh at the frozen condensation youve accumulated through the night on your beard. .....just make sure to laugh at it.... just laugh at it. 6) Huff and puff. Throw temper tantrums. This whole running a manufacturing plant in a 10 x 10 room sucks. 7) Repeat step 6 8) Pick up everything that you knocked over 9) Grab a beer, put on your headphones, change the station, and start again. 10) Stand back and look at what you created in your hands. Be proud of yourself. Mount them, ski them, and have another beer. 11) Repeat steps 1 - 10. Keep crossing your fingers that your cards dont decline tomorrow.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 19:59:42 +0000

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