How You Can Have Intimate Relationship With The Holy Spirit. You - TopicsExpress


How You Can Have Intimate Relationship With The Holy Spirit. You have to know someone intimately to be familiar with the desires of his or her heart. And you have to be in close proximity to hear your friend express a quiet wish. But it takes more than intimacy, and more than proximity, to move you to sacrifice your own priorities in favour of those of your friend. Only love will move you to lay down your life. Such was the love of three of David’s mighty men who were close enough to hear him say, “Oh, that someone would get me a drink of water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem!” Unbidden, the three warriors broke through enemy lines at risk of their lives to fulfil David’s wish. (2 Samuel 23:13-17) Intimacy With The Holy Spirit Those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. (Romans 8:5) There is a lot of talk about the Holy Spirit in Christian circles today. Many of us have a great longing to see the Holy Spirit move, or for His power to be released to bring healing, deliverance, signs and miracles. Kathryn Kuhlman once said, ‘There are literally thousands and thousands in the great charismatic movement who have never become acquainted with the person of the Holy Spirit, only with His gifts.’ [1] And sadly, that statement is as true today as it was then. So the question I am asking of you and myself today in response to this statement is, ‘Are you one of the many—the ‘thousands and thousands’—or one of the few?’ Many times we talk about ‘using’ the gifts of the Holy Spirit. But there is another way of life possible—where we allow the Holy Spirit to ‘use’ us. This way of living is only going to happen when we give Him leadership of our lives. When we so value His Presence with us, and the relationship that we have with Him, that we cannot bear for anything to come between us. When we are listening, ready for the sound of His voice When we have so become attuned to Him as a Person—to His desires and what grieves and pleases Him that we will respond accordingly [2]. The Fellowship of the Spirit May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. (2 Cor 13:14) The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity—God living in and with us. He is not merely an impersonal power. The New Testament reveals the Spirit to be a Person with will, mind and emotions. As well as empowering us, the Holy Spirit communicates and fellowship with us. He guides, teaches, helps, assures and comforts us. [3] The Holy Spirit is God up close and personal. The Ungrieved Presence of the Holy Spirit And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. (Eph 4:30) Many years ago I read the story of a Chinese scholar-turned-pastor called Hsi [4]. It made a lasting impression upon me. Pastor Hsi ministered deliverance to a troubled young man called K’ong at a conference. A missionary who saw Hsi minister in the power of the Spirit pressed a large sum of money into his hands, as a gift towards his ministry. Hsi received the cash without praying as to whether or not he should accept it. Immediately he felt uncomfortable. As he went to pray about the matter, Hsi heard cries as the demonised man became uncontrollable once more. No longer fearing Hsi, the demons in K’ong taunted him, saying ‘You have no power to control me any more.’ Realising that his soul’s response to the money had affected his ability to minister in the Spirit, Hsi went to the donor and returned the cash. He confessed that the sudden possession of a large sum of money had ‘come between his soul and God.’ Immediately he went to where K’ong was causing the commotion and quietly commanded the demons to be quiet and leave—with immediate and effective results. Pastor Hsi later summed up this painful lesson with the words, ‘The ungrieved presence of the Holy Spirit is more to be desired than abundance of gold and silver.’ How To Have An Intimate Relationship With The Holy Spirit Or do you suppose that the Scripture is speaking to no purpose that says, The Spirit Whom He has caused to dwell in us yearns over us and He yearns for the Spirit [to be welcome] with a jealous love? (James 4:5, AMP) I want to have the kind of relationship with the Holy Spirit that Kathryn Kuhlman experienced—and that Hsi valued. If this kind of relationship with the One who is God present with you, the Holy Spirit, is what you want, here are some steps to help you move closer to Him: 1. Realise that such a relationship—fellowship with the Holy Spirit—is possible 2. Hunger and thirst for intimacy with Him 3. Learn all you can about the Holy Spirit. Study His role, purpose, names, likes and dislikes from Scripture 4. Pray—ask to know Him more and for Him to fill you 5. Make a decision to go deeper in your relationship with God—to be more available to Him 6. Allow God to put His finger on anything in your life that displeases the Holy Spirit—and deal with it He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. (2 Cor 1:21) When I stand before the Father on that Day, He may ask me, ‘What did you do with what I entrusted to you—your gifts and talents, your time, opportunities, relationships, and call? But there is another question He may ask that is currently challenging me: ‘What did you do with the One I sent you?’ If you can identify with having a hunger for intimacy with the Holy Spirit, or if you have any thoughts or experiences to share on this topic, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment below.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 00:36:05 +0000

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