How are you HANDling what youve been HANDed? *1 Corinthians - TopicsExpress


How are you HANDling what youve been HANDed? *1 Corinthians 4:2* #KJV Moreover it is required in Stewards, that a man be found Faithful. If there is one thing that this life & walk with GOD has taught me, it is that every day is another Kingdom school day! Whether I want to attend class or not, The Holy Spirit is always teaching immeasurable lessons on how to conduct myself in a more godly way! Herein lies a lesson that it took me forever to pass also! That lesson was all about Stewardship! I admit it! I once was a very liberal giver at Church & was being Blessed with so much Favor from everywhere that I was overwhelmed in awe! However, at some point, I had a Peter moment & ended up taking my eyes off of what GOD was teaching me to do through HIM! I started looking more at who was not doing what they were supposed to & becoming frustrated because I was expected to do so much from others. I lost my Focus & started having my Faith challenged! Eventually, I began to struggle a lot more with everyday management of life, finances, relationships, and even happiness! I was becoming more bitter by by the day with no visible end to the downward spiral in sight. I was losing control quickly & unraveling fast! Oh, I failed to mention that all of this was happening even as Im Pastoring a local Church! Yep! I was an inward mess! No one knew it either because I was fairly good at hiding my pain & sadness. However, I was very near my wits end! After allowing me to try to handle it on my own, GOD had to slow me down & remind me that I was getting too far away from whom HE had Created & Ordained me to be! Guess what? One of the first things HE reminded me of was my lack of Stewardship! Not just in finances...but Im every area! I was allowing too much to escape my immediate attention. I was allowing too many challenges to sap my Passion & Purpose! I wasnt taking authority of my life through HIM & I was paying for it dearly. Therefore, the next chance I received from GOD to do Better, I took it quickly & did whatever HE allowed me to do to make the Best of it! Let me be the first to tell you to that it works! When you show yourself as a Faithful Steward, GOD will allow HIS Favor to overshadow your life immensely! Will you still have problems, issues, heartaches, & shortcomings? Absolutely! However, as long as GOD is with you & you are Obedience to HIS Voice & HIS Direction, there isnt a dilemma you can not overcome! Life happens to us all! No one escapes that! That has nothing to do with your Relationship, Effort, and Focus on GOD! Trust HIM with everything & in everything! *1 Corinthians 4:2* #KJV Moreover it is required in Stewards, that a man be found Faithful. #Stewardship #NoExceptions #ItWorks #BeThouFaithful #Amen #BeBlessed 😎
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 21:33:59 +0000

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