How does my story with Rodan+Fields start? In many ways, it had - TopicsExpress


How does my story with Rodan+Fields start? In many ways, it had already started long before I knew. In 2005, my husband, Brandon, and I welcomed our new daughter, Jaeden, into our lives and we became a family. We decided we wanted to have our children raised in our home, so I stepped out of the work world into being a full-time momma. Ever since that day, Brandon has worked to be the sole provider for our family. He has many times placed his dreams and aspirations to the side so that I can live out mine as a mommy to our children. In this way, Brandon has definitely had the short end of the stick, but you would never know it. He never complains about our situation, but continuously praises God for the opportunity of a job that provides and the blessing for our little family to be raised in the way we feel called. Although I have never felt a need to seek out a job to help my family financially, I always had my antenna out in case I might come across a good opportunity to be able to stay at home with our kiddos while making a bit of money. Unfortunately, I never came across an opportunity that was going to be beneficial for my family. Fast forward to October 2013. My high school friend, Shayne, messaged me one day about R+F I told her I would look at the info she sent me. I quickly made up my mind I did not have time for this in my life since we were in full swing of our third year of homeschooling our two kiddos and had a baby on the way in February. Thankfully, God would not let this decision go unchanged. I found myself thinking about R+F at all times of the day. I decided to look into this opportunity closer while Brandon and I began praying about it. After much research I discovered a truly amazing opportunity. I discovered clinically tested products that carried the credibility of the world renown doctors who brought us Proactiv! I was even more impressed at how ground level this business was! After all, I would only be 14 down from the very start of it all!!! I was sold! THIS was something that was not only going to help my family financially, but was going to CHANGE OUR FUTURE!!! I told myself I would give myself one year of really working this business and then I would allow myself to revisit the decision to see if it would be something to continue pursuing. Right away I started using UNBLEMISH for the acne I had struggled with all my life. Immediately, I noticed a change in the way my skin looked and even felt! I became completely blemish free for the first time since 7th grade!! I was sold on the products and then started seeing how this business was literally changing lives!! I was seeing consultants on my team retire spouses, fund adoptions, and start working on projects that had been life-long dreams! Then, I started seeing MY business grow! I simply began sharing with others what I was seeing; amazing results from products and an outrageous opportunity. In only 5 months I have promoted 3 times, received amazing bonuses, been able to pay my mortgage and more with my paycheck, and help others in amazing ways!! What is my long-term goal with Rodan+Fields? It all goes back to the beginning of my story. My husband, Brandon, and I plan to use my income to pay off our debt and become debt free in the next few years. After that, I am going to be thrilled to bless Brandon by replacing his income so he can retire from his current job and pursue a career with his passion for sharing God’s music through him and not have the burden of financial responsibility on his shoulders. I am daily amazed at what I continue to see this company do for the skin and lives of so many and I am blessed to be on this journey!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 20:17:19 +0000

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