How much $$$ have you made this week in your spare time - TopicsExpress


How much $$$ have you made this week in your spare time online? Probably nothing or not as much as you could have... or should have... *** The MAIN Reason Most People FAIL in ANY Field is *** LACK OF MARKETING, TRAINING, & SUPPORT. It is ridiculous to think that bugging your friends and family could be a solid foundation for ANY business. Why? Reason #1: They are Unqualified & Not Targeted Most of people around you are NOT interested in building your dream and NONE of them can came and help you withought are the hunter of your DREAMS and...THIS IS the KEY! Earning Kshs. 25,000 - Kshs.75,000 Monthly is posible online because we pay you for socialize, hence helping you achieve your drems...! If you on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Flicker and OTHER Social Sites? Then you are part of the Huge Prosperity and Wealth being created on Social Media and the Internet. The MILLION DOLLAR Question is... Are You Profiting (making a dime) on your Social media activities and your social media network connections? Or are you simply a statistic that Profit other people? Needless to Say ALL social media Platforms make Millions of DOLLARS annually from the Traffic You and I drive onto these Sites. (Details on a Later Post) Social Media + Internet Marketing are creating the GREATEST Trends of ALL Time. NEWS, Research, Education, Social lives, Entertainment, Communication and all spheres of our Modern lives are greatly influenced by Social Media and the Internet. The Mighty, the Low, the Rich, the Poor, Class or No Class, everybody is on Social Media. FACT:- Facebook has over 750 MILLION members and growing daily. Lol! What is in it for ME? I hear you ask...! Let me cut the Clatter... In a FEW Weeks from a momentous phenomenon will hit the Galaxy. Am not talking about an UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) or BIG FOOT or a meteorite or apocalypse. Am talking about a Real Business Phenomenon that will create the Most millionaires on earth. In a Few Weeks we will witness the BIGGEST GLOBAL launch of All Time. Get Ready for the smoothest and sweetest Ride of your LIFETIME. In a days a huge Program, One of its kind will be launched which will be a Social Network Marketing Company. Imagine if FACEBOOK shared its revenue with you by paying You $1 On All Your friends and their friends networks for 6 generations... DO THE MATH..i.e if you have 500 friends and each have only 100 friends under them,and Facebook paid you only one dollar,this is the much you will be making in a month just in level one and two 500 x 100 x $1= $50,000 x Kshs. 85 = Kshs. 4,250,000 ! Lol This has NEVER been done before...! EVER...! There will be NO recruiting or selling or pitching or potions and lotions. You continue doing what you are already doing with your social networks and you get paid for that. For anybody who is interested to be among the Pioneer of this World Breakthrough join us by creating a FREE account and get updated on ALL important communication as we count down to Final LAUNCH in a Few days from now. Watch out for More Updates very Soon Keep Tuned ....! REMEMBER IT ONLY TAKES YOU 2 MINS TO CHARGE YOUR LIFE, BUT AS ALWAYS MOST OF US WAIT UNTIL THE LAST TIME. Take a step,it is all free To Life Without Limits.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 13:56:05 +0000

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