How the President of the United States, his media whores and his - TopicsExpress


How the President of the United States, his media whores and his race-baiting allies replicated Hitlers Crystal Night wave of riots, fires, looting and now the murder of police officers. Like Hitlers Crystal Night series of riots, fires and looting, the Obama wave of violence is based on a lie: The Big Lie that Michael Brown, a 300-pound street thug who had just attacked a much smaller store owner, was shot by a cop after Brown raised his arms and said dont shoot. In fact, Brown had attacked the cop inside his patrol car and wrestled with the officer to gain control of the cops gun, and subsequently bull-rushed the officer who shot to protect himself. Those facts were proved by scores of witness testimony before a grand jury that decided the officer acted properly. Hitlers rioter were told that Jews had vandalized Germanys government buildings (the Big Lie) so thousands of Nazi supporters went on a rampage that destroyed 267 synagogues throughout Germany, Austria, and the Sudetenland. Many synagogues burned throughout the night, in full view of the public and of local firefighters, who had received orders to intervene only to prevent flames from spreading to nearby buildings. SA and Hitler Youth members across the country shattered the shop windows of an estimated 7,500 Jewish-owned commercial establishments, and looted their wares. Jewish cemeteries became a particular object of desecration in many regions. (These statistics from a web site commemorating the Holocaust). So now, Obamas Big Lie... hands up, dont shoot has triggered a race war in which both more minorities and cops will be killed. And to what purpose does this serve? For Obama, it takes public attention away from his massive repudiation by voters in last months mid-term elections; his granting of 5 million work permits to illegals at a time when 20 million Americans are jobless; and his decision to reward Fidel Castro with diplomatic recognition for Castros enslavement of the Cuban people. So the next time you see cable TV network anchors holding up their hands proclaiming hands up, dont shoot, see them for what they are, Obamas Nazi media whores spreading the Big Lie.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 14:05:15 +0000

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