How to Make a Friend Fall in Love with You Surprise Me! This is - TopicsExpress


How to Make a Friend Fall in Love with You Surprise Me! This is for the boys who have fallen in love with one of their friends, or maybe even best friends. Its a subject that is probably one of the most complicated love matters in the world, yet it happens all the time. Its very easy to approach someone as a friend. But how easy is it to turn that friendship to a love affair with that special someone of yours? Ad 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Attempt to become their best friend. Not just any other friend, become someone that they couldnt live without, someone who listens to all their problems and always helps out when times get hard. You need to establish a connection like no other, something that neither of you could live without. Becoming fast friends is all about giving her a sense of trust. If she trusts you, shell be more likely to give you chance when it comes to love. Open up. Tell her about yourself: your dreams, wishes, and sorrows. Its possible for love to grow where there previously wasnt any, but she has to think of you as a person with real goals, successes, and problems instead of just a friend. The more shes able to see parts of you that others dont see, the better off youll be. Make the person feel special. Let her know that she is someones friend - your friend - and that you value her in a unique way. Compliment her for her company and for being there when you needed her, times when you felt sad and all alone. Show appreciation for the comfort the person offers you and for making you smile. Always dream with her, build with her, and always cheer her on and encourage her. Hint. Before you two get too close and pass the I love you as a friend line or become too much of a brotherly figure, you need to give her hints that you might like her more than as a friend. Simple harmless flirts, comments, something that would make her tell you that youre sweet, but also make her think a moment longer about the comment and wonder if there is another deeper meaning to it all. This is very tough to do with words, because you dont want to make her think youre friends just in order to get in a relationship. In the beginning, stick to flirting with your body. Dont pass up that chance to sit shoulder- to-shoulder with her. Look her in the eye, and smile a lot. If youre really comfortable with her, try tickling her (on her sides or under her arms) or giving her a piggyback ride. Gradually move on to flirting with words. Tell her how much you admire her. Tell her how special she is to you. Tell her she makes your day easier to get through. But remember, a little hinting goes a long, long way! If youre gushing to her every twenty minutes, she could begin to feel uncomfortable as friends and start to distance herself from you. Be a shoulder to lean on. Be someone whom they can always turn to for reliable advice. If youre there when times get rough, and help her through them, shell look at you like a problem-solver and trust you more. Youll also be someone she feels safe and secure around. Keep trying. When you notice hints coming from her end, you know youre getting somewhere. But if your hints havent really gotten through to her, try a bit harder. Being more obvious can be helpful because some girls are used to being flirted with a lot. Get her one-on-one. This ones important. If you never see her when its just the two of you, work toward that goal. The trick is to make it not look like a date when you ask her, but feel like a date when she gets there. Tell her youre in Starbucks studying and you want an awesome girl to distract you from your work instead of Hey, do you wanna get coffee later on, just you and me? Make her a mix-tape of your favorite music. The music you listen to shows her a whole other side of you; it helps her to understand you better. It also sends her a subtle message that you enjoy sharing personal things with her. Be sure to include music that you think she might like. You could be setting yourself up for a fall if she only listens to Beethoven and you give her Metallica. After you give her your mix, ask her to make one for you. Back off. Backing off is important because it lets her know what shes missing when she doesnt see you. It should force her to think about all the ways you make her life fuller, richer, more enjoyable. Shell be eager to see you in no time. When youre sure that you are getting somewhere, back off a little. If you see her everyday, avoid her for two days or so, no contact! She will end up missing you and really understanding how deeply she feels for you. But make sure you have a valid reason for being away when she asks. You dont want to be caught in a lie, or look like youre avoiding her on purpose. If you think it might work, try hanging out with another girl for a day, just to pique her interest. Girls are attracted to men who get along with lots of attentive women. The goal here isnt to make her super jealous. The goal is to make her think that girls like being around you, and that you have lots of different options when it comes to women. Only listen to feedback from her. Dont worry about what friends say she feels about you, because, as we all know, information can get distorted. Its like a game of telephone. She tells something to her other friend, who tells it to a completely different friend, who gossips to her acquaintance, and pretty soon the message has changed completely from what it originally was. Tune out any noise that isnt coming directly from her. Be persistent and continue to do fun things with her. Studies show that doing something exciting, daring, or adventurous together helps release a chemical (called norepinephrine) in her body and yours that is associated with romantic feelings. So dont listen to what her friends or your friends say, and bring her to Six Flags, that haunted house, or an exciting game — anything that might cause her to jump, scream, or wriggle with excitement. If youre sure you want to take the relationship further, tell her. Remember, only do this if youre okay with the possibility of losing a friend; it can get very awkward and uncomfortable if she knows that you want a relationship and she doesnt feel the same way about you. Because what youre doing is risking a friendship to get a relationship. Some girls will be mad at you for doing this. You might not be friends after you tell her. If you are sure, you need to tell her. Be honest with her and explain your feelings. You can say something like: Ive really valued our friendship these past couple months, and have grown to see how special of a person you are, and how alive you make me feel inside. I value our friendship over everything, but I really like you. I cant hide my feelings for you anymore. Would you go on a date with me? Give her an out. Let her know that its okay if she doesnt feel the same way, and that you can take it. You want her honest opinion, not her sugarcoated idea of what you want her to say. If you give her an out by saying I know you may not feel the same way about me, and I respect that, it could go a long way to saving the friendship if she doesnt want to pursue a relationship. And if she does want a relationship, it will reinforce to her how sweet and respectful you are when it comes to her. Dont get too emotional. Whatever you do, dont break down. Emotions are powerful things, and she might think that youre using your emotions to manipulate her, causing her to distance herself from the situation. If you get emotional, shell tend to pity you and revert back to the friend-zone that you want to try to get away from. Stay stoic, even if youre boiling up inside. Smile at her, regardless of what she says, and be as happy as possible. Ad Steps Never tell her you love her, unless you truly mean it with all of your heart. 46 Helpful? 5 Dont lie to her. A relationship like this depends on the trust between you two in order for it to endure. 36 Helpful? 11 Look deep into her eyes whenever you talk to her; eyes contain the most emotion a person can show. 34 Helpful? 8 Never pretend to be someone youre not. Be yourself. Be different and unique in your own way; that is who she will fall in love with. 33 Helpful? 4 Remember, patience is the most important thing you need to have to make this work. It could take a long time before she sees in you what you see in her. 24 Helpful? 8 Even if she says she has no interest in you, if you still enjoy her company, dont give up! If you stick around for her through all the hard times, eventually her mind will start to wonder what if? 24 Helpful? 8 Dont be with her every second of every day. She might get a little irritated. Give her some space of her own. If she shares everything with you, great! If she doesnt, then dont try to force her to tell you everything. 23 Helpful? 2 Make sure she knows shes loved even just as a friend. 20 Helpful? 3 Be a gentleman: dont curse, dont get wasted when youre with her, open doors, and be courteous to other people. 21 Helpful? 3 Become close to her friends. Dont necessarily tell them your feelings, but stay close and shell be impressed that you are so friendly. 16 Helpful? 5 You have to be creative and constructive to keep a girls interest in you; always be full of life. 5 Helpful? 0 Never fail to phone her, even when she least expects it. 2 Helpful? 1 Dont just ask how her day was. Ask her how she is feeling. If she is feeling down, tell her youre not going anywhere and you are always there if she wants to talk. 3 Helpful? 0 Add Tips When you tell her that you have feelings for her, tell her in person and not over texts or notes or anything like that. It has to be face to face to make it seem as personal as possible. 142 Helpful? 18 If you guys get together, be careful because some things might change; it could be a big departure from a friendship.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 17:07:14 +0000

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