How would you guys rate the Marvel films created by Marvel Studios - TopicsExpress


How would you guys rate the Marvel films created by Marvel Studios from worst to best? That means any movies like the new X men movie or Amazing Spider-man doesnt count. Since theyre made by different companies. If you want you can shortly explain why you rate it that low too. Heres my list. 9: Thor: This movie would be much higher if only its 1st act wasnt the only interesting thing of the entire movie. The romance is forced, and Idk about you guys, but Loki was never convincing to me as a villain until Dark world. Also, my biggest pet peeve I have with this movie is that they messed up the theme or moral of the story. How is one sacrificial if they know theyre getting benefit from their so called sacrifice? 8: Ironman 2 This movie would be much higher if its narrative wasnt so clouded. Also, when you think about it, this movie didnt add much to the Avengers continuity other than introducing Black Widow. Its really a 200mil+ advertisement for Avengers. Its an extremely boring film. I rank this higher than Thor because it at least has some enjoyable cinematography some humor that works, and RDJ and Sam Rockwell. 7: Thor: The Dark World: I dont think this is a bad movie but I also think it doesnt work. Especially considering this movie came after Avengers and it dealt with a threat that was global instead of keeping threats small and on Asgard. It makes you wonder where Shield was or the other Avengers. I dont even want to get started on the plot holes, unfunny humor, unecessary extra characters, and the flatter than a pancake villain. 6: Ironman 3: I personally hate this movie as an Ironman fan because it ruined the mythos of Tony Stark and it tore down the foundations that were built in the first Iron man film. Not to mention, what they did to Mandarin was abysmal. But as a film on its own? It still sucks. The villains motivation is confusing, the whole movie felt like a standalone retcon that had no relation to the first 2 Ironman films, and like I said before, it tore down the foundations built in the first film by making Tony Stark actually not forced to be Ironman because of a life changing accident. However, I rank it higher than the last 3 movies for being the most entertaining, action wise, humor wise and it still has RDJ, lol. 5: The incredible Hulk This movie is a huuuge gap over Ironman 3. Its a much better rendition than Ang Lees version. It was paced just right to give you Hulk when you needed him, the movie wasnt too long, didnt spam Hulk all over the place, characters werent bad and the narrative and character motivations were simple enough to follow. Its a solid film. So why ranked so low at 6? Because thats what it is. A solid film. Not a great one, and unfortunately, not that easy to remember compared to the other films on this list. Didnt really stand out too much. 4: Captain America: The first avenger Captain America definitely surprised me. I think this movie succeeds for the same reasons Hulk did that make it a solid film except this film is a lot more memorable. It has its problems but overall its a very solid film. 3: The Avengers Whaaaaat, Avengers isnt ranked #1??? Crazy person! Well its a very entertaining film and to most, this is probably where Marvel peaked. Its so good that that you forget its issues. Like what? Idk, like a not as interesting first act, a very cliche plot involving the oh so tired alien invasion, and worst of all, said alien invasion being solved with one of the most contrived plot devices Ive seen on screen, lol. Other than that, Avengers does every thing else right. It has the right amount of action to keep you entertained, as well as humor and the character development that delivered from the preceding establishing films. Even if half of those preceding films sucked butt. 2: Ironman It took a character who was one of the biggest buttholes youll meet, yet keep him likable, and above all, turned a character who didnt give a crap to one who did. aaand It has Robert Downey Jr. The movie may be slow to some who want a popcorn flick but objectively, it had plenty of character development that was paced just about right leading up to the very iconic scene where Tony Stark puts on the Red and Yellow for the first time and heads over to the Middle East to kick terrorist butt. Concept was original, Humor wasnt forced, action scenes were memorable, cinematography was great, and the characters were likable. So what stops it from being 1st? Its underwhelming 3rd act. Trust me, I still think this is the best written Marvel film but the 3rd act could have been so much better. At least the things that work for it are so good that you forget about about that problems. Like Avengers. 1: Captain America: Winter Soldier Forget about the fact that its subtitle is Winter Soldier and it didnt have much of said character in it. I believe that was just a flaw on naming the movie it self. Because with its own merits, the movie is not about the Winter Soldier, its about Cap trying to figure out his place in this modern world. I definitely dont think its perfect. But its definitely better than all the films on this list. While the script is not bad, its writing is inferior to Ironman. But its a looot more entertaining than said film. And its 3rd act reaaally holds up with a very satisfying final battle between Cap and the antagonist, unlike any other film on this list which failed with a climatic battle between good and evil. This movie succeeds where the other films failed and the elements where this film doesnt quite hold up as the others, that element wouldnt necessarily be bad, just not as good. Overall, its a very well done movie. So whats your list guys? Doesnt have to be as detailed as mine xD. Can be little to no description. Wheet Cook Dimitris Moore Trenton Covieo Corey Landis Arthur C Muhammad Elliot Isaac Gindi
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 00:21:41 +0000

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