How you can be a Christian and Vote for Obama out there - I am - TopicsExpress


How you can be a Christian and Vote for Obama out there - I am just saying! Does not RIGHTEOUSNESS mean anything? Or are you just playing church? And to those far-left liberals: LIBERALISM AT ITS WORST: Obama is for EVERYTHING that God says is either sin or an abomination. …out of the abundance of the heart – What is the reason to vote for a person such as this – I mean really! POLITICAL OVERVIEW: (not necessarily in chronological order) Intended to inform. 10-11-12 1. 2 weeks AFTER the administration FINALLY ADMITS it is TERRORISM (about 2 weeks AFTER the rest of the world already knew the truth), the President at the U.N. “STILL” said the consulate in Benghazi was the video. HOW CAN HE SAY SUCH A THING? THAT IS APPALLING – SERIOUSLY! 2. The President was in VEGAS and on the View TV while the world is in the MIDDLE of 22 or so violent acts of destruction. A President should NOT be worrying about his campaign (I heard some say he can do it all – well yes, but NOT at a time of such a deadly mess.) NOTE: PRESIDENT BUSH QUIT GOLF in 2003; saying; IT WAS WRONG TO PLAY DURING WARTIME. 3. This administration wants to make our MILITARY overseas to vote on 1 day, and not give them a few days to do so. THEY ARE IN WAR, IN A DESERT, FIGHTING – OMG! Why? Because most vote Republican (also, virtually every military person I talk says this). 4. This same administration on the flip-side thinks that in this country a person does NOT have to have a PHOTO ID to vote. REALLY! Make it easier to vote for someone that cannot even prove who they are (AND NO, IT IS NOT A HARDSHIP OR {hate this word…} DISENFRANCHISEMENT). WHY? Because many, from what the FACT say, NOT my opinion, will vote Democratic. 5. Mandating that you MUST buy government health insurance? The ECONOMY is a DISASTER and all The President can do is to sling mud at his Opponent. HE CANNOT STAND ON HIS RECORD! 6. The President Also Threatened To NOT Pay: a. Social Security Retirees b. Military Retirees c. Social Security Disability d. and Federal Retirees. e. He DID NOT threaten to Stop Payments to ILLEGAL Aliens. f. He DID NOT threaten to take frivolous benefits such as Internet Access Away From Violent Inmates. 7. The President THOUGHT that a person got DEDUCTIONS when taking a BUSINESS OVERSEAS –they DON’T! A company that moves from Kansas to Tampa does AND it does overseas – BUT IT IS “NOT” SPECIFIC TO OVERSEAS – IT IS MOVING ANYWHERE!! Seriously! I am disenchanted! Don’t you think our president should know these things; just basic business practices? I MEAN TRULY!! 8. Obama invited the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD to the White house; trying to be nice! Sorry, YOU CANNOT HAVE A COBRA SNAKE AS A HOUSE PET! 9. DISALLOWED on the DAY OF PRAYER a few years ago, but ATTENDED a MUSLIM PRAYER & PARTICIPATED. 10. Obama called SANDRA FLUKE due to the radio host NAME Rush called her (cannot afford all the birth control shes needs? she is obviously promiscuous…and...). NOTE: Obama did NOT call the VICTIM that LIVED during the 2009 FT. HOOD TERRORIST ACT (NO! IT IS NOT DOMESTIC WORK PLACE VIOLENCE – It WAS TERRORISM, as the terrorist yelled out glory to ALLAH!!) Comment: Why Do I Post Such Information, Is It For Anger Or Hate – NO! It is because I love my country and will NOT see it dragged down by ANYONE, FOREIGN or DOMESTIC!! This is FAR worse than Republican President Nixon and the Watergate scandal!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 13:54:00 +0000

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