Humbly, Im Against the RH Law and the Whole World Must Know, - TopicsExpress


Humbly, Im Against the RH Law and the Whole World Must Know, Because of This: Baby Boomers Phenomenon Scenario • Baby Boomers are those who were born between 1946 and 1964 which comprise some 77 million people shall dominate the Busters-Generation X or the young generation (born from 1965 onwards) at its peak in the year 2050; • Baby Boomers look down on the Busters as vain conceited, arrogant, “sacre blue,” whippersnappers, swaggeringly self confident, unyielding to the will and opinion of the old, and careless in performance. This is so because of the Boomers’ aggressive and decisive experiences in the 1960s and 1970s. the rebellious college educated boomers adhered to the counterculture movement like the Cultural Revolution in China, committing themselves to civil rights movements and opposing the Vietnam War, and wielded their newfound voting and buying power to influence politics and commerce. Their entrepreneurial spirit and infatuation with technology paved way for the electronic age, thus it is being felt that through their efforts, the destiny of the world has been set. They take their pride, as Franklin Delano Roosevelt have said, “Our generation has a rendezvous with destiny.” And they believe that they are the new order that no tank can suppress; • As the baby boomers generation approached legal retirement age, economists warned of impending World economic crisis in the early part of the 21st century. The flood of retirees, coupled with an anticipated decline in the work force, was expected to place unprecedented strain on the retirement programs of corporations, governments and on the social security systems; • Organizations and governments cannot turn their heads away from this: no truly moral civilization would burden its children with the economic excesses of parents and grandparents. This talk of burdening future generations is not just rhetoric; we are talking about hard economic consequences that will limit the busters/young generations’ – our children and grandchildren’s standard of living; • The Generation X shall definitely be trapped in extreme penury/poverty with their counterpart – the Boomers, enjoying the comforts of life, because of government debt they are going, and have to pay – the moral and economic failure of the current methods of organizations and governments; • There will be big impact of enormous debt to the young generation. To make such contention real it is worthwhile to depict that if you have a child or grandchild born this year, the child is going to pay $187, 000 in taxes in their lifetime to pay their share of the interest on the debt. $187,000 in taxes, in their lifetimes – that’s over $3,500 in taxes every year of their working lives – not to pay the debt, but just to pay the debt we are leaving them; • The retirement programs and social security benefits of organizations and governments can not possibly cope up with enormous retirees that shall flood society and has already commenced and will peak in the year 2050 – that’s precisely the reason why large world demand for nurses and care givers is currently happening; • An inter-generational conflict/clash between Busters and Boomers is inevitable, this is so, because of the generational differences in culture, orientation, and personal experiences; • In a doom’s day scenario, there will be chaos and anarchy due to the circumvention of the law of supply and demand brought about by the decline of work force, and there will be a widened gap between richness and penury, of course, with the Boomers enjoying their hideaways in the Bahamas riding in their new shining Convertibles, while the Busters are struggling very hard just to acquire a quality life without comfort and paying enormous debt of their country of origin; • The Baby Boomers Phenomenon is not just confined in the highly industrialized countries like the United States and Japan. At the beginning of the 20th century, only 1% of the world’s population lived past the age of 65 years. By 2050 it is likely that one (1) in five (5) people in the developed nations of Western Europe, North America, and Japan are retirees, and more that 15% of the population in many developing nations will be 65 years and older. In the near future, two (2) out of six (6) persons over 65 years old will live in India or China. Other nations with huge populations of older people will include Russia, Indonesia, and Brazil; • According to experts and so with the United Nations, people over 60 years will outnumber those less than 15 years of age by year 2050. This is due to a decreased number of deaths combined with the drop in the number of births brought about by the presence of modern contraceptive methods; • Governments and organizations shall transform social security from Social Security Program to Investment Program. This will allow individuals to exercise control over how their social security payments are invested. This proposal raises serious concerns, however. What would be done for retirees who made poor choices and lost their retirement funds in the stock market, or for those whose retirement plans were jeopardized by a stock market crash? • In the Baby Boomers Phenomenon Scenario, one of the promising avenues of inquiry is an international collaborative effort known as the Human Genome Project. It aims to decode human deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the basic genetic blueprint of a human being. By mapping this genetic code, scientists hope to gain insight into why some people are more susceptible than the others are to certain diseases. These genes – units of genetic material that carry inherited characteristics associated with hereditary diseases such as cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, and Huntington’s diseases, have already been identified. The completion of the Human Genome Project was in 2003, is likely to mark an important step toward making it possible for people to control their susceptibility to these and other diseases. But again, a question is to be asked, who are those people financing and conducting the Human Genome Project? Who are the immediate beneficiaries? Is it not that they belong to the so-called ‘Baby Boomers’ generation? • In the quests for the fountain of youth, human embryonic stem cells play an important role in combating the aging process. Embryonic cells are undifferentiated cells, which means, that they have yet to be develop into a specialized type of cells, such as heart cells, liver cells, or skin cells. Scientists have seen many applications of embryonic stem cells. Dispensation of embryonic stem cell to the patient repairs and replaces diseased cells. A major breakthrough in embryonic stem cell research came in November 1998 when two teams of researchers announced they have succeeded in culturing embryonic stem cells in the laboratory. Is it not that it has been known from the grapevine that George W. Bush, Jr. and Alan Greenspan – the second most powerful person next to the president of the United States of America. He was voted by Congress in 1996 to give him a third term as Chairman of the Federal Reserve System – an entity that controls the world money supply. Such stem cells is a repair and replace system likened to a computer that can repair the damage and synchronization of the body organs, and the hearing almost perfect like the hearing of a new born child. • What would happen when the real quests for the fountain of youth begins? Who are the people who can afford to benefit from such major breakthrough with wealth, power and network? Obviously, it would be those who belong to the “Baby Boomers” generation who have established their power and influence all those years of perfecting the art of maneuvering and survival in the concrete jungles called life; then the real clash between the Busters and the Boomers shall commence in the quest and control of the “Fountain of Youth.” The quests for the Embryonic Stem Cells that enables human to live even for hundreds of years shall eventually trigger a worldwide inter-generational conflict between the Busters and the Boomers generations. Datuk Delmar Nur Faramarz Ferdowsi Salah Ad-din Tomasa de Molina Costa Sanchez Requilme Escrivano Gomez de Mora Garcia Roldan Martinez Garvi del Pozo Portal Lopez Chumillas Balera del Castillo Ramos de Losa Ynajeros Bautista Africa RUBIO-Escribano Paggao Bucad Calaycay Alcaraz Topinio “Rapasakdalsakay” Taclibon, Bt., DKR, KRSS, BSCE, MBA, PhD.D.A.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 00:44:10 +0000

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