Humility- is variously seen as the act or posture of lowering ones - TopicsExpress


Humility- is variously seen as the act or posture of lowering ones self in relation to others. Or conversely, having a clear perspective, and therefore respect,for one place in context. (Humble) Im posting this definition and status not to bash or be little followers freinds family and myself. Social media is a platform that can be used in so many ways some postive and some negative. All these post about dont judge me or how hypocritical others are being. Maybe its intimate information that should be kept but private yet you feel the need to share with the world weather its your own personal business or someone elses. Know your worth ??? Selfies of yourself half naked on a all to often daily basis which arent truly to exhibit progress but are for vindication and attention. Im asking YOU if you met the male or female version of you. Would you accept and be loving of him or her? Do You meet the standards you hold others to? This facebook thing called a PROFILE for a reason. You created a place for people to go and judge you based on how YOU represent YOUR SELF. Now with that being said if your unhappy with others opinion of you and how your being treated could it be possible the image and profile you created possibly doesnt match who you truly are as a person? In reality the individual who knows and uses humility in every day life can easly spot transparent profiles. Social circles are smaller then people realize and peoples dirty laundry is aired quickly by word of mouth or via social media. Your not going to get away with being an ugly person for very long before people find out and verify it. I challenge everyone to work harder on the actual substance of who you are as a person and individual and less on your PROFILE. Invest in bettering yourself so you can better the environment of those around you. Practice HUMILITY every opportunity you get. You might find your own circumstances bettering themselves through making a genuine effort to be the person youve painted projected and tried to sell to others!!!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 18:23:38 +0000

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