Hush the baker Part 70 Hearing the news - TopicsExpress


Hush the baker Part 70 Hearing the news about penny kissing Eric Dennis falls to the floor. Karen switches the deep fat fryer of and helps Dennis to his feet. Look Dennis I had to tell you the truth would have come out later. Fiona is waiting for Eric so they can continue with there act for the royal command performance. Peters baby elephant is flapping his ears to the music of bolero Fiona smiles. Julie is doing the splits while balancing val on her head it all looks good for the command performance. Back in the candy floss stall Karen tells Dennis not to say anything to Eric for the sake of the royal command performance. Being a old trooper Dennis agrees but keep him away from me. Bob is still looking for Mary when Steve runs past him carrying a blacksmiths anvil in his backpack and 2 tractor tyres under each arm. Bob calls to him but like a arrow he was gone just the dust filling the air where he had been. Eric is now with Fiona they put on there costumes and start rehearsing the sound of bolero fills the air. Dennis opens the tent flap he can see Eric there is a tap on his shoulder he turns its penny. Hello deny baby she says how are things with the candy floss stall. Dennis just turns and walks away his heartbroken that no man can fix.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 17:10:22 +0000

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