I AM teaching others to enjoy the lifestyle I AM experiencing. Im - TopicsExpress


I AM teaching others to enjoy the lifestyle I AM experiencing. Im a 23 year old Aussie guy from Melbourne. A few years back I got sick of working nine to five for other people so that they could have the lifestyle that I wanted. I really wanted the freedom of being financially secure to have my own home, get the sports car etc. I found a way, and started my own business… Worked 12 hour days 6 days a week for 4 years. I soon understood this wasn’t the way to go. The more my business expanded and the more income my business generated the more expenses I would have, the more bills I would have to pay, the more hours I needed to work and all of a sudden my dream lifestyle became further away than I imagined. I sacrificed the holidays, partying, relationship, meeting cool people and having fun. But I guess this is how it is for many business owners. I guess there is an ego that comes with owning a successful business, you can say I “own my own business” And talking with other business owners I soon discovered this wasn’t only my reality it was many peoples. With shop rent, electricity, gas and rates all going up I made a tough decision. After doing what I did for so long what I really needed was a holiday, I wanted to travel, meet friends and have cool experiences… A lifestyle. I knew I couldn’t do this without a regular income. So I started looking for ways of people who where making a living traveling, working online, or from home and having a lifestyle that I so long needed. Long story short.. I did just that. At the age of 23 I sold my business and moved up to Byron Bay NSW, to hang out with cool people, surf, focus on myself and have some cool experiences – The past few weeks have been amazing! My day usually starts with a walk or surf, grabbing a coffee while I check my emails then hitting the gym. I work only 2 hours a day behind the computer – generally at a coffee shop then spend the rest of the day exploring what the place has to offer. I have already made some great friends and it’s nice to have some company. I watch the dolphins on my walk home and have done some cool energy healing work with some really cool spiritual people. It’s also really cool to teach my new friends how I do what I do. Right now I don’t know where I will be in a few months, thinking of exploring the states or I might hang out here for a bit longer. But I’m not sharing all this with you to tell you how good I am I want to inspire you to get out and follow your dreams, there is no need to be stuck doing something that totally uninspires you just to pay the bills. Weather you run your own business or work in a job not its not about that, its about living life. I know so many people who would love to have a better life and to everyone that is different. For me about traveling and meeting new people and growing. For others having a beautiful home by the beach and to give their kids the best education. It takes balls to make the decision to make a change, it is a risk to do something new and I can be scary but is it not better living with the excitement rather than the regret?.. How much easier is it if you make the change with guidance and support where someone is with you on the journey, step by step of the way. I came from a family where no one owned their own business, people didn’t take risks, I didn’t have anyone to teach me from a young age how to do it. I watched my mum and dad work hard and many hours to provide for us. This is not a holiday for me – This is my life. I now work from wherever I like, well anywhere with a phone and Internet connection. I run a business that is online and I have a fantastic team of friends that work with me and support me as I do for them. I have a structured plan and sound business strategy and amazing mentors for my team. And the coolest thing ever is it took me 4 years, hours and hours and a tone of stress to grow my last business yet it only - 4 months working a couple of hours a day to get myself to where I am now. By setting my goal and surrounding myself with positive people I can now live a lifestyle of my dreams, earn a great income and pursue my passion. I am on track to be earning 6-figure income by the end of this year. To me its not the money that’s important, I believe money is only an energy, but it is the lifestyle that I believe I am worth. Meeting cool people, having experiences, seeing the dolphins on my morning walk and giving back. That’s what motivates me and I need money to live this life. The world is changing, business is changing, the way we work is changing. It was recently said “if you aren’t online you don’t have a business”. My message to you is live the lifestyle you want. Build a life where you are not working making money for someone else. As the saying go’s “If you do what you always do you will get what you’ve always got. I think now in this world its more like “you will get less than you’ve always got”. The opportunity out there for all of us to work anywhere we like is huge. We need to be ahead of the times and its possible – all you need is a laptop and a mobile. I’ve been asked a lot recently how did I get started? What is the first thing I did? I didn’t want to speak too much about this on here because I had to prove to myself that what I was going to do and this business model would work. But now after proving it to myself, my job in life is to teach other people (who want this of course) to live the lifestyle that I AM experiencing. (note: I AM – the 2 most powerful words in the English language!) I want more cool people to experience the new way of life with me!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 06:57:48 +0000

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