I CAME THAT YOU MAY HAVE LIFE AND HAVE IT ABUNDANTLY Abundance is about many things for many people. For some it’s about accumulating wealth. For me, it’s in part about turning away from this paradigm of Scarcity. I no longer choose to believe in this idea that there isn’t enough, that I’m not enough. The church taught me the worst kind of scarcity—this idea that I’m not enough. And it continues to cultivate this mentality in its dying days: not enough people in the pews, not enough money in the account, not enough pastors to serve, not enough goodness in the world. Not all churches live and lead from this place. But for those who are “dying,” it certainly prevails. And it prevails because they reflect that scarcity to the world. Scarcity of course makes us feel unsafe, and so we hoard and control. Of course it’s in the hoarding that we refuse to give generously. And if we refuse to give generously, if we refuse to reflect generosity in the world, then it won’t come back to us. We will attract more hoarders. Same goes for control. If we try to control the way it’s always been done, then what we reflect back to the world is control not trust. Trust that no matter where this goes, all will we included and welcomed. That nothing that is sacred can ever be lost. Clinging and controlling leads to death. When we trust there is enough, that we are safe, that we will be provided for and included, it is then and only then that we will begin to see the abundance all around us. Friends, opening up to abundance leads to life. “I came that you may have Life and have it Abundantly,” said Jesus. Abundance allows us to see the multiplicity of possibilities in any given moment. It affords us creativity. It fills our imagination with the audacity and reality that HEAVEN IS HERE ON EARTH. How are you opening up to Abundance in your life?
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 00:58:19 +0000

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