I CRY FOR MY HOME BORNO As I came back from mosque after - TopicsExpress


I CRY FOR MY HOME BORNO As I came back from mosque after observing the morning prayer yesterday, I saw a missed call from a friend who is from Bama, I tried calling back, but the network was bad. I then decide that I will call back later, as I was preparing to go to work, then suddenly I received another call from a friend who is also from Bama, who informed me that Bama was under attack, and that people were treking from Bama to Maiduguri because of the fiece battle between the agents of hell fire(boko haram) and the Nigeria military. The next thing that came to my mind was the fact that these beasts had earlier taken control of Gwoza, Ngala, Dikwa, and other places which are not too far from Maiduguri the state capital. Later yesterday I met a senior journalist who told me that from all indication, these bastards a planning to lunch a major attack on Maiduguri, and if they should succeed in taking over Bama, then it will be a serious disaster. Unfortunately this morning I read a post by BBChausa that these bastards are now in control of Bama town. If at these criminals are allowed to take control of Bama, then our people in Maiduguri have every reason to panic, because the distance between Maiduguri and Bama is just about fifty killometers or so. Therefore, we are indeed in a very critical situation, we dont know what will happen next. Even though I believe the brave youths of the civilian JTF will never give up, they are ready to defend and protect our city, but then it is sad that must of us are being carried away by politics. So much so that we dont care about the situation we are in. Our people have kept their mouth shut, our elders are tired of shouting, and the political class with the exception of few only care about how they can manipulate our people to favor them in 2015. The military are being sabotaged, they are neglected even when it is clear to all that they need all the support, they need all the modern equipments, they need motivation, and above all they need leadership. They have families, friends and loved ones like all of us do. A friend posted that he saw soldiers running away from Bama, some of which were seen running along side the civilians. It is indeed sad that our leaders have reduce our military to nothing, if some of those soldiers who fought for the unity of this country were to be alive today and see what the military has been turn to, they will shed tears. But then, what can one do when you have a country that is being lead by heartless and wicked people. Surely those who failed to equip our military delibrately, will one day regret their actions. Today it is the poor people that are the victims of their heartlessness, tomorrow, it may be their turn. There is no excuse whatsover for the failure of the military to contain the boko haram. Trilions of naira had been budgeted for the military, with nothing to show on ground. Those who are eating the money meant for the military, are eating blood money, and such money will bring curse to their generation. The blood of those who lost their lives among the military and the civilian populace will be on their conscience. It is sad that for almost five years since the beggining of the activities of the boko haram, no remarkable progress had been made, all because of lack of political will. Even when it is alledged that some people have been financing the activites of the sect, such people are still moving freely, then what sort of govt are we having in this country? What have the people of Borno, and indeed the north done wrong to the federal govt that has made them not to rescue our people. What baffles me is that we have a minister who is representing the state, a minister who is suppose to be the mouth piece of the state in the state house, but unfortunately, I dont know what he is doing there. I dont know if he is represnting our people or he is represnting himself? If at all he is representing us well, the situation wouldnt have deteorerated to this level, am not sure if he use to meet the president and brief him on the situation. If the minister had been briefing the president and yet the president had refuse to take action, then he should just resign and go, because if the president cannot protect your own people, then what will you still be doing there, if at all you are there to protect the interest of the people. The Borno state govt should also take immediate action to cater for those who fled from Bama town. Let govt select credible people and form a committee that can accertain the number of people that had entered Maiduguri and assist them. The state govt should also immediately re organize the civilian JTF and give them whatever is needed to insure that Maiduguri is protect. May Allah see us through this difficulty, and may he destroy these criminals and all those who support them.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 17:01:36 +0000

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