I HAVE GOOD NEWS. IN MAY I COULDNT BREATH SO PHIL TOOK ME TO THE ER. THE DR THOUGHT I WAS HAVING AN ALERGIC REACTION TO SPRING. HE PUT ME ON AN INHAILER AND PREDNISONE. SOMETIMES I USED CALLIS Nebulizer (Breathing machine). I was down stairs 24/7 as I had broke both bones in my left ankle & we could not get me in upstairs. My Dr didnt think that was the whole story, So I took a breathing test & a CAT scan at the hospital, they said I had fluid between my lung tissue. I was told I either had something wrong with my lungs or my heart. A lung specialist was my next stop. In May we had a stair climber put in, so on May 21 I slept upstairs a couple nights. No wheezing! So now it was time to move my 500 lb bed up stairs. ( I was so glad I had it. I never had any back pain those 4 months in bed.) Anyway by the time I got to see him, my legs were swollen up like logs & hurt. My bed is like a hospital bed only comfy! I had the foot raised for my ankle & the head raised because I had blood in my right eye, now I have it in both. So now I was put on a fluid pill. They went down, but not for long. The pills were done so was my normal size legs. Another round of pills. The Sioux Falls Dr wanted me to stop them & redo the breathing tests & the CAT scan on July 14th. This I took as a good thing it was my Moms birthday! I go talk to him on 9/15/2014. On July 14th.I got a report back on some testing I had done on Alergies. I am Gluten Intolerent! I have been fighting Psoriasis for years. I have stopped eating almost all wheat. Do eat the bread sold at the Infinity store at the mall.its called EZEKIEL 4:9 organic sprouted 100% whole grain bread. There are no chemicals in it, so it needs to be kept in the Frig. It has been a month & a half, MY PSORIASIS IS ALMOST GONE! I AM SO VERY THANKFUL! I have been waiting for the results on my lung test that I took on 7/14/2014. Yesterday 9/4/2014 I went to see my Dr. MY LUNGS ARE CLEAR. PRAISE GOD! I HAD LOST ANOTHER 11 lbs & IM NOT ON FLUID PILLS! My blood pressure is so good he told me to cut my pill in half. Next step to get my blood sugars under control. To anyone who made it. through this with the bad spelling & my rambling thanks for reading it all & most of all THANKS FOR BEING MY FRIEND! IF I DIDNT HAVE FACEBOOK & ALL OF YOU IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A VERY VERY LONG 7 MONTHS! Take care everyone I look forword to reading your posts on Fb. May God Bless each & everyone of you! Love Linda
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 15:43:09 +0000

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