I MEET THE MASTER OF MEDITATION AND THE GROUP: I DO THE FIRST MEDITATIONS … That day I learned that John was a healer (someone who cures by the imposition of the hands), who healed with an energy that came from a form of higher spirituality, a force through the earth and the sky; a universal force… (pg.16) … I was totally willing to discover other ways of opening myself to spirituality. I had a thirst to know what really Was; a thirst for Truth and to reach that Truth. I felt that if it wasn´t through the Catholic Religion it would be through any other form of spirituality, because in that aspect I had always been open to the spirit. What mattered to me was to Know, the Awareness of my own spirit, to reach the Truth and know that that was the Truth. Something inside me knew that the Truth existed, I only had to look for it and find it. So, it was with that certainty, and open to a total abandonment towards the search of the truth of the spirit, and to heal through God, that I gave myself to the “higher form of spirituality” through the meditations. I believed that the healing I was learning was coming through a universal energy and the sessions of meditation became a space in life that drew me near, in a conscious and trusting way, to the flow of this universal energy. (pg. 23) *** ...We breathed deeply and John started a tape with a mantra sung in incomprehensible words, which to me sounded like Tibetan or Hindu music. The words were chanted in an OOOOMMMM style. Then John asked us to close our eyes and sit in a position that straightened our vertebral columns. He then began to indicate what we had to do. “Put your hands, one on top of the other touching your belly with your palms. Imagine a white light coming from above, high over your heads and passing through your chakras.” I have forgotten a lot of what he used to say, but I remember that we went through all the chakras (centres of energy inside our body, symbolized with seven different colours) and I remember that the orange chakra (the one of the belly) was called orange bowl. I also remember that at a certain moment we could ask inside ourselves something we wished to know and also there was a time in which, first with one finger and then with the whole hand, we would send light to all the people we wanted to. The meditations were all different. Sometimes John would get up, come to us, and position our hands according to his instructions in that meditation. Sometimes he would make signs with his finger on our foreheads, like a cross, other times he would make other signs. Sometimes he would tell us to imagine landscapes. Other times the meditation only included what we saw (we would see images as if we were looking at a TV screen). However, the meditation was never the same, except for the chakras (which we always went through resting our hands in each centre as we passed them), the light we sent, the questions we asked inside ourselves, and the music, which was always the same tape, first on one side and then on the other side. The tape was ninety minutes long, therefore our meditations were that long too. I paid attention to everything with a great amount of respect for the moment. I drank John´s words feeling very calm inside myself. I felt, in that first meditation, something very strange also. In the middle of my legs, inside my vagina, I felt a strong pressure against the muscles, but it wasn´t anything like an introduction of an object, instead it was as if an object was suddenly inside of me, as if it had been thrust without my realizing it, and without my consent. I felt the sensation of a real intrusion. But the truth is that I was so relaxed and excited with my first meditation that I excused that sensation by saying: “the tension has to be felt somewhere!” I also remember that in that first meditation I also saw a white eagle, from the neck up, in its profile. (pg. 18)
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 21:44:37 +0000

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