I WAS ASKED TO REVEAL THE WORDS OF ONE WHO SAID SHE WAS TAUGHT BY MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD PERSONALLY FROM THE FIRST RESURRECTION. HER NAME IS MOTHER MARYAM! SOME OF TTHE STATEMENTS HAVE BEEN VERY PAINFUL FOR ME TO READ. WRITE, AND SAY. I LOVE THE NATION OF ISLAM AND ITS INTERVENTION IN SAVING MY LIFE THROUGH MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD, RASULALLAH KAREEM MOST HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, ABDUL HALEEM MINISTER FARRAKHAN,, AND HOLY MOTHER MARYAM AND OTHER MENTORS AND TEACHERS.I HAVE TO DO MY JOB AS GABRIEL THE TRUMPET AND RELAY THE MESSAGES OF ALLAH. MAY ALLA FORGIVE US ALL OF OUR SHORTCOMINGS AND GRANT US THE LIGHT OF UNDERSTANDING THAT WILL MAKE US HELPERS IN THE CAUSE OF ALLAH FOR OUR SALVATION AS WELL AS OTHERS.AMIN Mother Mary said that when she was taught by Master Fard muhammad, he took her through a series of test lessons and gave her certain insight on the future of the Nation of Islam, these statements are out the norm but I am trying to live to my purpose and name as Saint peter, Lord Jabril/ Gabriel which I was given by my Senegal family through their grand Mufti, Abdulallah, SheiK Samb the Father of Elijah from Senegal. Gabriel function is to deliver the message and he has a special relationship with Mary and Christ. and so does St. Peter with Jesus. I am attempting to relay all messages handed down to me by my teachers and mentors. My job is to only deliver a clear message may Allah bless me to be successful. If these messages offend you remember I am only a messenger bringing a message! A wise woman, my spiritual mother Mary told me that a fool loses today and tomorrow looking at the mistakes and ills of yesterday. I would like to add to this. We perfect and correct our errors of yesterday and shape and secure the destiny of the future: by the mature, progressive, positive universal wholistic choices and actions we take in our present moment today! Our power is in the present moment, yesterday is gone, tomorrow is to come and to far off to make effective beneficial change right now. The present is in our grasp right now and so is the change we want if we act now! Lets seize the power of the present, leave yesterday behind in peace, and make our present moments, activities, as well as, our thoughts monumental and of consequence and substance by being service oriented, positive, productive in our present actions which will bring about progressive change beneficial for the whole.-St. Peter/Jabril/Gabriel MARY-She was overshadowed by the HOLY SPIRIT to such an extent that all biological and psychological laws of human thought were made as naught. Upon her in many ways rests the NEW REVELATION. She was the first one to literally put on earth that which she conceived in consciousness. MARY- AFTER HAVING A THE GREAT OVER SHADOWING OF THE SPIRIT, SHE WENT WITHIN AND MAGNIFIED THE POWER OF ALMIGHTY CREATOR. IT NEEDED TO BE MAGNIFIED IN ORDER TO BRING OUT THE IMPOSSIBLE. IT NEEDED TO BE MAGNIFIED IN ORDER TO BRING OUT THE IMPOSSIBLE. NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE HER BECAUSE THEY KNEW IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE AND BY THE LAWS OF THEIR FATHERS, IT COULD NOT HAPPEN BUT IT DID. NO ONE BELIEVES YOU WHEN YOU TELL OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, THE BORNING OF NEW IDEA IN YOU. THEY THINK ALL THEY KNOW YOU TOO WELL. NO ONE BELIEVES THAT YOU ARE GOING TO STIR FROM THE OLD FUTILE AND MONOTONOUS ROUTINE OF YOUR LIFE. THAT IS WHY SHE HAD TO GO WITHIN AND MAGNIFY THE POWER, FOR THERE ARE MANY THINGS THAT SHE MUST AND WILL PERFORM BEFORE THE NEW MANIFESTATION SHALL BE PLACED ON EARTH ALLAH WHO CAME IN THE PERSON OF MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD, TOLD ME THAT HE CAME TO EXALT TWO PEOPLE, ONE MAN RASULALLAH KAREEM MOST HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, ONE WOMAN, HOLY MOTHER MARYAM! ALNISA THE WOMAN 4:1 O people, keep your duty to your Lord, Who created you from a single being and created its mate of the same (kind), and spread from these two many men and women. And keep your duty to Allah, by Whom you demand one of another (your rights), and (to) the ties of relationship. Surely Allah is ever a Watcher over you. Mother Mary said to tell you that the prediction that nostradamis made about the muslim from the East with a blue turban means this; The House is coming down from within. Blue in Masonry means house of God and East means within. MOTHER MARY TOLD ME AFTER HER MEETING WITH MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD, SHE SAID: ALLAH WHO CAME IN THE PERSON OF MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD CAN KILL YOU BY CAUSING FOOD TO COME BACK UP IN YOUR THROAT TO CHOKE YOU BY CAUSING YOUR LIMBS TO NOT BE ABLE TO MOVE. HE CAN CAUSE A DISEASE TO RISE IN YOUR BODY WHEN THERE WAS NO SIGN OF IT. HE DID THE FIRST TWO ON HER JUST TO SHOW HER WHAT HE CAN DO TO HER ENEMIES IF THERE TURNS OUT TO BE ANY. PLUS SHE SAYS YOU WHO HAVE GUNS , HE WILL CAUSE YOU TOTURN THEM ON YOURSELF AS HE DID FOR THE EARLY MUSLIMS WITH POLICE PROBLEMS. YOU CANNOT FIGHT WHAT YOU CANNOT SEE OR SOMEONE WHO CAN SEIZE YOU FROM THE INSIDE WITHOUT BEING IN YOUR PRESENCE. SHE SAYS THESE THINGS HEHAS SHOWN HER. HE ALLAH WHO CAME IN THE PERSON OF MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD SAYS HES COMING WITH A VENGEANCE AND THE TWO EDGE SWORD, GREAT AND DREADFUL FROM THIS DAY FORTH. WE ARE GOING TO START A NEW WORLD ORDER, WE ARE CHANGING THE UNIVERSE. NOTHING STAYS THE SAME, HE CAME TO MAKE ALL THINGS NEW. CHANGE IS THE ONLY THING CONSISTENT IN NATURE. SO GET WITH IT OR GET OUT THE WAY. Mother Mary said: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was a mason and he was a very honorable man so he knew the secret of a woman but he took an oath not to reveal it so he didnt So it makes sense to call our Houses of God, Temples. So we have Elijah Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah in the temples inviting the blind deaf and dumb candidates, even myself (Mother Mary). Allah who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad gave Elijah the knowledge of how to get a grip on you, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad always said he getting us ready to meet Almighty God and said after him would come Allah himself. She said she heard a minister say that Allah Master Fard Muhammad went his way, what kind of nonsense was that, when Elijah had told us Allah was coming after him. She said she know that Almighty God never starts a work in a people that he does not finish. She said you who are true believers know it too that is why you cannot walk away, the grip is to tight. Or should say grip is strong. She said that Minister Farrakhan is a gatekeeper, a gatekeeper keeps the gate open until the real owner returns. He did his job and was rewarded well. The Master says all this has a lot to do with separation, so we shall take a page from masonry,a page from MOSES YOU KNOW THE PART WHERE HE TOOK SOME UP ON A MOUNTAIN AND BLEW THEM UP, even though malcom little and Wallace D. did some of that for us. We shall take a page from hitler and Chaka Zulu. The days of wanting converts is over the gate is closed so Allah told MOTHER MARY. The page of Masonry is you have to be invited not recommended but invited. No games of yesterday, there will be a mailing list, pray ALMIGHTY ALLAH THAT YOUR NAME IS ON IT.Great and dreadful, Elijah said and when he was shown some of what it meant, he wept over again.No one could ever take his place nor do His job Allah chose it for him only. The other person MOTHER MARY borrowed a page from was Wallace when he said that you dont need to see me for me to teach you, you can read. This at home Prophet Muhammad and Quran says Read in the name of thy lord. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that politics is a dirty game and that our problem can not be solved by politics. Farrakhan said moses did not run for Pharaohs seat nor Jesus for Ceasars. You cannot be in two Camps. I had medicine that i had to take for pain and it was a very bitter pill but it made the pain stop. Master Fard Muhammad said to me while He was teaching, Maryam you knew this was a bitter pill when you took this job. I didnt know i had taken any job. My oldest daughter is not on His list and the youngest is given more time because she threaten to hit me early on in our struggles. About the politics going on the white house, Allah , Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, says that any one that is suppose to be His follower, stay out of that, dont shoot your mouth off about what you have no knowledge of. Stay with Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught you. Malcom also went there when he was told not to. You make it unsafe for the followers of Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad followers. Allah is the Best Knower. You that make light of this do so because you do not have knowledge of what is coming. He has told me Mother Mary that i do not have to come outside, because He and the & angels that have set foot on earth will protect me and the true believers. They will do what Elijah said they will punish you for not being in accord with what you were taught. One day your day will be sunny and bright then black as midnight, people you thought were for you will turn on you all of a sudden, like a rattlesnake, the people of the earth will deliver you up. They will hate you for teaching them wrong. Mother Mary says We are going to bring about a universal change. Allah, Who came in the Person of Mater Fard Muhammad, says we shall begin by choosing 7 men at a time to be taught to carry this message that brings about the universal change. They will be christian ministers and followers of the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. THIS IS A WARNING AND REVELATION TO TURN THE NATION BACK TO THE STRAIGHT PATH WHICH SHE SAID MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD REAVELED TO HER. MAY ALLAH BLESS US TO HEED THE MESSAGES OF ALLAH AND ESCAPE THE JUDGEMENT OF THE GREAT AND DREADFUL DAY OF ALLAH, WHO CAME IN THE PERSON OF MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 20:43:00 +0000

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