I WAS CONVINCED BY MY FRIEND A.C NEBEIFE..... AMERICA IS A SUSPECT ON EBOLA OUTBREAK. When the news of the nascent Ebola virus outbreak hit town, I deliberately decided to refrain from its trending discussions on social media. My reason was simple: I believed that its outbreak was a deliberate biological terrorism against Africa by the Western powers. I still do! My instincts tell me that the U.S. & other Western nations needed a guinea pig to try out their vaccines on, & so they naturally chose Africa. In his book, 63 Documents the Government Doesnt Want You To Read, the former Governor of Minnesota & former U.S. Navy SEAL, Jesse Ventura, told a story of how, in the late 40s, the U.S. went down to Nicaragua & infected a massive number of people with Syphilis, just to find out if Penicillin worked. This was coming barely a decade after the discovery of Penicillin in 1928, by Alexander Fleming. Fortunately, Penicillin worked & those lives were saved. What if it hadnt worked? Your guess is as good as mine! Now the U.S. & co discovers some Ebola vaccines (Zmapp & the rest) & suddenly, Ebola virus that has been around since 1976 wakes up from slumber & becomes a global challenge.... Who is fooling who? If the U.S. infected Nicaraguans in the 40s to try out the effectiveness of Penicillin, why not West Africans in 2014 to try out the effectiveness of Zmapp & co? Now, you tell me!!!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 15:50:02 +0000

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