I always dread getting on Facebook after any type of big - TopicsExpress


I always dread getting on Facebook after any type of big political/racial/societal event takes place. Basically its always half my posting friends taking one side, half my posting friends taking another, and everyone talking about how completely wrong the other side is. An headline on CNN recently stated that the feelings about the Ferguson matter are divided along racial lines. My FB feeds shows this to be correct. I was not at the shooting, I have no idea if it was justifiable defense, or if it was an unjustifiable murder of an unarmed, African American male. I dont know, and I dont feel like I can form an opinion as to either. I hope that the Grand Jury got it right with their decision, but the decision not to indict was the one I feared the most because of the fallout I was scared would follow. I cannot relate to being a police officer and the challenges, stresses, and tough choices that come with that often thankless job. I cannot relate to being an African American male and confronting often presumptive discrimination that is surely encountered. I can relate to the loss of life to know that it is tragic, and to wish that he was not dead. That is something that I hope both sides of this debate can accept: that regardless of being justified or murder, it is always and tragic when a life that young is extinguished. I hope that maybe everyone can find some sort of common ground, and the events that lead to this tragedy can be prevented in the future. It saddens and terrifies me to see the violence that is taking place. It accomplishes nothing and only adds to the tragedy that is this young mans death. Anger and pointing fingers will only increase a divide that needs to end. In our pain and anger, can we find an opportunity to become a better nation? I can hope.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:33:39 +0000

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